dp 6-2

Using theories of Piaget, LaBouvie-Vief, and Denney and the concepts of fluid and crystalized intelligence, explain changes in cognitive functioning in early and middle adulthood.

Module 06 Assignment – Child Observation Worksheet

  Purpose of Assignment This assignment will help to identify the normal growth and development by topic for each age group. In the final column of the assignment, you need to observe a child and apply the information you gathered and document your findings in comparison by the particular age of that child. Competency Compare … Read more

Module 06 Discussion – Empathetic Care

  Module 06 Discussion – Empathetic Care Initial Post Choose one of the infectious respiratory disorders from this module to discuss the multidimensional care strategies for this disorder. List these interventions based on priority and include rationale as to why you prioritized in this manner.

Ethics in Healthcare

  Identify the major stakeholders in the case. Identify the ultimate decisions makers (e.g., medical team, parents, etc.) in the case. Explain Baby Bundle’s rights in this case. Describe the ethical theories or principles that pertain to the case. Analyze your role as a health care manager in this ethics committee decision. Based on your … Read more

professional success 5

 This week, you will be drafting an ATS resumé (applicant tracking system), and a cover letter. Discuss your experience with these important aspects of the career process: Do you prefer to use template designs for resumés/cover letters? When do you need to use ATS (applicant tracking system) resumés (and why)? How should you think about … Read more

institutional correction 5.2

 An inmate’s education level has shown to help reduce recidivism. Discuss and debate the use of federal monies for Pell Grants to prison residents who are college students. Do you think that inmates should or should not receive these monies? Why or why not? Support your opinion 

Ethics in Healthcare

  Identify an ethical dilemma you may encounter in the workplace. Describe how you would use an ethical problem-solving methodology or decision model to investigate your current ethical dilemma. Describe the possible solutions and impacts of making decisions about this dilemma. Explain what impact your values may have on your decision. Explain what impact 2 … Read more

Enterprise Information Management (EIM)

St.Rita’s team (ongoing case study from the text) needs more information on data quality issues in healthcare to help make the case for EIM. Conduct a literature search and retrieve three articles identifying current healthcare data quality issues.  Make a list of the data quality issues.  Identify the EIM domains that can help remedy the … Read more