You will develop a marketing budget. This budget is critical to helping you determine how much it will cost you to reach your market and achieve your sales goals. To create your marketing budget, you will use the Business Plan Financials Excel Template. IT WILL BE ATTACHED Reminders You will complete only the Setup and … Read more

Unit VII Project

Instructions Sheena’s Backyard Plant Sales As you should recall from Unit III and Unit V, Sheena grows three types of plants: desert rose, plumeria, and oleander. She sells her plants in her backyard and has hired your company to create a system for her to use in order to manage her business. For the desert … Read more

Culture and diversity : Jewish

1 describe why culture and diversity is important to healthcare 2compare and contrast the scope of culture and the scope of spirituality 3 Give an explanation as to why you chose Jewish. 4 what are you hoping to learn from this part of the course.


 a. Discuss the primary defining features of the Gestalt approach.  b. Describe some of the core techniques in this form of therapy.  c. What are the strengths and limitations of this approach?  References needed


  Explain how microbiome research provides a new perspective on the nature versus nurture debate. Discuss how the infant microbiome is related to future development of a child, including cognition and health. In addition, explain the broader social implications of this type of research. Finally, share your prediction of and rationale for what future microbiome research … Read more


  Kubota Tractor Corp. makes farm, industrial, and outdoor equipment. Its franchise contracts allow Kubota to enter into dealership agreements with “others at any location.” Kejzar Motors, Inc., is a Kubota dealer in Nacogdoches, Texas and Jasper, Texas. These two Kejzar stores operate as one dealership with two locations. Kubota granted a dealership to Michael … Read more

Karl Marx Social Media Post

As sociologists one of our goals should be to share our knowledge with people and engage them in conversations about sociology. To that end you should develop a post explaining or exploring the impact the social conditions of his day had on Karl Marx. Post your insight on the social medium of your choice (Facebook, … Read more

HSV. Responses

  1.The fear of crime has escalated as well as rates within these past few years. Whether a person is classified as a target or not, the negative impact has been a major concern for people all over the world. The bigger problem is that these suspects are back on the streets once a bond … Read more

Creating an Effective Disaster Recovery Plan

  Discuss how a proper disaster recovery plan should be created. For this discussion, point out all the key elements of a disaster recovery plan and how these elements should be implemented. Respond to two peers.   Compare and contrast their disaster recovery plans with yours.  Expound on key differences and similiarities. 

Packaging: The Importance of Quality and Design

  Cheesecake is a popular dessert, enjoyed by many people all around the world. To ensure that your cheesecake stays fresh and protected, it’s important to use proper packaging. Custom cheesecake boxes are an excellent way to display and sell your cheesecake, while also ensuring its quality and freshness. In this article, we’ll explore the … Read more