
https://gvu.gatech.edu/sites/default/files/related_project_files/babygirl-english-us-mov2.pdf https://gvu.gatech.edu/sites/default/files/related_project_files/dog-man-english-us-mov2.pdf https://gvu.gatech.edu/sites/default/files/related_project_files/mufasa-the-lion-king-english-us-mov2.pdf https://gvu.gatech.edu/sites/default/files/related_project_files/ne-zha-2-english-us-mov2.pdf https://paste.ee/p/xAj19lrD https://pastelink.net/bzkpv46z https://telegra.ph/asdsadsadw-02-02 https://pastebin.com/WhGqGVHM https://glot.io/new/assembly

Wk 4 discussion- executive compensation plan

As an HR executive why would you make the effort to design an executive compensation plan? Because a well-designed plan rewards not only the executives, but also the shareholders. If a company’s executives are compensated fairly, it often means that regular employees receive fair and equitable compensation. Explain a minimum of two major executive compensation … Read more

ICL 7503: Implementation of High Level

 Online Discussion: Implementation of High-Level Cognitive Demand High levels of cognitive demand must be maintained in order to ensure high levels of student learning. A high-demand task (procedures with connections or doing mathematics) in the written curriculum is not necessarily implemented at that level. So, part of ensuring student learning is maintaining high levels of … Read more

ICL 7059: Activity Standards & Peer Reflection

 Deconstruct a standard that is appropriate for your 8th Grade Math. Use the Deconstructing Standards template in Module 3 to help you. Identify KUDs: Knowledge, Understandings, Dos From the standard, pull out the key understandings. Find the key nouns (concepts), verbs (measurable behavior), and context.  These make up your key understandings.  You are looking for … Read more

mini case study 2

A 30-year-old male comes in complaining of 2 days of loose to watery diarrhea, 4 to 5 times a day with significant nausea and one episode of vomiting today. He has a temperature of 100.5 on presentation and an HR of 102. His skin is slightly pale, and he is complaining of abdominal cramping. He … Read more


Define your professional brand. Explain how you will fulfill your responsibility as a scholar, practitioner, and leader. Summarize how this course has impacted your expectations for pursuing your DHA

Social Problem Description

write a description for your problem  To demonstrate your understanding of the social issue you selected in your proposal, review the relevant literature and research on the subject. Here are some ways that you can gain a full understanding of your social issue:

Nursing Week 10 assignment

See instructions attached.  use one of the following link to access case study: https://video.alexanderstreet.com/p/pZ265EOnm <iframe src=”https://video-alexanderstreet-com.eu1.proxy.openathens.net/wayf?redirect=https://video.alexanderstreet.com/embed/training-title-50&account_id=14872&usage_group_id=95102″ width=”640″ height=”390″ frameborder=”0″ allow=”encrypted-media *; autoplay *; fullscreen *” allowfullscreen></iframe> https://video.alexanderstreet.com/embed/training-title-50

demographic info

In this section, you are to report a general profile of the child’s development across the five developmental domains. Since you are to report on the child’s development as it pertains to each developmental domain, it may be useful to refresh your knowledge of young children’s development, particularly for children in the age range/group of … Read more