
The purpose of Part 4 is to select a solution to the problem you defined in Part 2 that is grounded in literature and supported by evidence and analysis.  To accomplish this task, you will utilize a strategic thinking lens to consider the viability and applicability of the solutions you researched in Part 3 with … Read more

Leadership Crisis Scenario

To complete this section of your Action Plan, include the following: Identify a crisis scenario. Create a role-play scenario of how a leader can use emotional intelligence to handle a crisis or conflict situation. You may research a crisis event, such as a product recall, oil spill, or natural disaster and create a crisis scenario. … Read more

Study Plan

Reflect on the study plan you created in NRNP 6665. Did you accomplish your SMART goals? What areas of focus still present opportunities for growth? Revise your study plan summarizing your current strengths and opportunities for improvement. Develop 3–4 new SMART goals for this quarter and the tasks you need to complete to accomplish each goal. … Read more


READ- In this case, I assume that I am a nurse practitioner in the oncology department or specialty, and I have noticed that most of the patients in the cancer ward are bored, exhausted, and seem to have low morale. The majority seem worried, melancholic, depressed, withdrawn, or anxious. Some have expressed statements that suggest … Read more


    Create a PowerPoint presentation to present to senior management on how you will source, recruit, and attract candidates for the Human Resource Director position. Include the following components: the name of your organization (be creative), the company mission or vision, a job posting (Note: this should be an original creation and should not be … Read more

Excel help

Can you correct this chart for me.  I am attaching what my teacher said.  I am also attaching the chart that I turned in.  You are only using tab EFE-IFE.  Hi, You are still not using the formulas to correctly calculate (multiply) the numbers. Two of your lines are incorrect (see the red bars). I … Read more

6301 wk2assgn

 Researchers can employ a quantitative or qualitative approach, or a combination of the two. In quantitative studies, you often see tables of numerical data or graphs in the Results section. Qualitative studies, on the other hand, use interviews, focus groups, and observations to understand the participants’ perceptions. R 


   At this point, you may have an idea of your general social work topic, but what specific problem does that point to and how can that problem be conveyed as a question to be explored? In order to conduct a successful research study, the research question must be clearly defined, well justified, and offer … Read more

intelligence law

all students will be required to submit on a relevant law enforcement intelligence topic of their choice. may include legal, technological, or moral issues impacting law enforcement intelligence collection and/or analysis. It is highly desirable that your topic would have application or relevance to your current or intended profession or agency, or to your own … Read more


  Describe the structure of a family. Identify the strengths in the family. Explain where in the life cycle this family is located and how that may influence family dynamics. Describe the specific roles of two family members, and explain if the various roles work well together for the benefit of this family. Explain how … Read more