Mobile, Ass3

UU-COM-4023 Mobile Computing UU-COM-4023 Mobile Computing Page 1 UU-COM-4023 Mobile Computing Assignment 3 Instructions  Due at the end of Week 7 – 40% of the Total Course Grade  You have to answer all the following questions. Please give clear answers.  All questions are worth equal marks. Total 100 marks/ maximum total 1200 … Read more

Mobile, Computing

UU-COM-4023 Mobile Computing UU-COM-4023 Mobile Computing Page 1 UU-COM-4023 Mobile Computing Assignment 1 Instructions  Due at the end of Week 2 – 30% of the Total Course Grade  You have to answer all the following questions. Please give clear answers.  All questions are worth equal marks. Total 100 marks/ maximum total 1200 … Read more