
Assignment: At least 200 words; APA format; use chapter 5 textbook below for citations; assignment will be submitted through safe assign, please be sure to use your own words What are important factors to consider when forming a group? Consider how you would recruit, screen, and choose members for a group and what are the … Read more


Assignment 2:  see chapter 2  readings below; APA format; cite at least 3 relevant sources and please use own words. Assignment will be submitted through safe assign Note: this is for counseling Description: Write a two page paper on what it takes to make an effective group leader.  What are the characteristics of a great … Read more


Assignment: For this assignment you will use the Beck Test Results; This is an outline of what you had completed for my Hope Index assignment. However, you will only need to focus on the highlighted areas. Write in third person and not first; Include in your write up of your results brief descriptions of the … Read more


All Assignments will be submitted through safe assign for plagiarism. Please be sure to use your own wording. These assignments are graded strictly. Assignment 1: Please write at least 250 words, APA format, and cite relevant sources. Please see attachment…Attachment includes: Eysenck’s test (I’ve already taken, please use my results) Eysenck’s personality article Introversion article … Read more