Study Daily

Study daily 05/U-9 Topic: Diverse Populations and Age. You are responsible for knowing basic health screenings for various populations. Choose the young, middle, or older adult population. Address the preventive health screenings for one of these subsections of the adult population based on age and sex. Include adult immunization recommendations for that adult age group. … Read more

Study Daily

Study daily 05/ Unit 2 Ass. Question: Provide a summary conclusion of the screening guideline, general benefit to the individual, and why it is important. Directions: Include the introduction and conclusion Use five or more credible peer-reviewed sources. You will demonstrate understanding and correct interpretations of preventive screening guidelines. You should be able to apply … Read more

Study Daily

Study Daily 05/unit 5 Topic: Clinical Application of Epidemiology Complete the required readings before posting to this discussion. Analyzing specific examples explain how epidemiological studies impact knowledge of diagnosis, prognosis, or clinical treatment. Be sure to use vocabulary that demonstrates your understanding of epidemiological terms.

Study Daily

Study daily 05/unit 6 Topic: Epidemiology of Population Health Define the core functions of epidemiology. Select one of the epidemiologic core functions and explain how the core function might be demonstrated in clinical practice by a master’s-prepared registered nurse. Can you relate this or one of the other functions to an example or content?

Study Daily

Study Daily 2.03 Clinical Epidemiology Discuss epidemiology as the scientific basis for clinical medicine and guideline development. Explain some types of data, performance measurements, and possible reasons for variations in data. Next, share a bit of information or statistics you learn from reviewing the National Center for Health Statistics site.

Study Daily

Study daily 15 Directions Create a presentation using a PowerPoint that enables you to present your ideas effectively and meets the requirements. Your presentation will bring together the conceptual framework/grand nursing theory, theoretical model, and middle or practice theory that best fits your concept of advanced nursing practice related to your role as an FNP … Read more

Study Daily

Study Daily 14 In this assignment, you are going to explore how a nurse theorist of your choice created their theory. You will become the theorist immersing yourself in the writings from the earliest mentioned to the most current literature. Writing in the voice of the theorist (taking on the persona of the theorist), you … Read more