Writing For Nursing And Health Care Profession

Writing for Nursing/ Module 4 Introduction Overview: Introductions to a paper are used to introduce the topic, capture the audience’s attention and convince/encourage them to read the rest of the paper, and to define the scope of the paper that follows.  Introductions should be brief usually three or four sentences.  When addressing a complex topic … Read more

Writing For Nursing And Health Care Profession

Module 3/ Writing Nursing English Overview The discussion board for this module provides two articles.  You are asked to compare and contrast the articles. There are several compare/contrast resources listed in the Instructional Materials folder for Module 3 Instructions Read the two articles.  The reference material follows.  The complete articles are available in the Instructional … Read more

Writing For Nursing And Health Care Profession

Discussion Board Overview The focus of this discussion board is to address the impact of at least one of the social determinants of health on an identified health concern in the US, e.g., infant mortality rate, obesity, cardiovascular disease, or immunization.  The CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and the Healthy People 2030 websites will be … Read more