
This is just a reminder that you will need to turn in a single page on Wednesday, 27 April stating which topic you are choosing and outlining what you plan to say about it. So, two items: [1] State the thesis for which you will be arguing and sum up what you want to say about it in a couple sentences. So, … Read more


Write 4+ pages (double-spaced, typed) on one of the following topics. Your essay should demonstrate careful reading and a clear understanding of the text(s) involved, as well as careful and accurate use of their concepts. You need to synthesize ideas and arguments from across one or more texts, demonstrating critical abilities and philosophical insight. You will have to express … Read more


Beginning in Book II, Prose 4 and continuing through Book III, Prose 9, Lady Philosophy argues that whatever genuine happiness it, it involves self-sufficiency. Explain her argument briefly. Why should we look within ourselves for happiness rather than looking to Fortune to provide it? Why can’t power, riches, fame, honors, and pleasure ever give us … Read more