Political Science

Use 4 of the 5 topics below discuss300-500 words in length 1. Name the 7 types of analysis discussed in this course and choose 2 to compare and contrast. 2. Describe the pros and cons of the electoral system. 3. Describe the differences and similarities between a nation and state. 4. Compare and contrast the … Read more

Political Science

This research assignment is on a California State or Local public policy.  The following is a description of what you should include in your analysis: Begin with a California bill or proposition you have chosen. Use the following “Headings” to structure and identify the major components of your analysis. Describe the problem it seeks to … Read more

Political Science

Economic downturns, and hence big reductions in state revenues, present California budget makers with a dilemma.  Should the deficits be cut by reducing expenditures for state government programs, or should revenues be increased by raising taxes?  Use the budget challenge at https://www.budgetchallenge.org/challenges/12/pages/home?utm_source=next10&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=budget (Links to an external site.) to create a budget that reflects your values and vision for … Read more