Ethics In Psychotherapy

PY 570 Weekly Paper Assignment (SUMMER) Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to develop comprehension of key concepts related to specific theoretical approaches to psychotherapy. Weekly papers provide an opportunity for students to apply critical thinking skills and to develop a deeper understanding of the similarities and differences among varying approaches to psychotherapy. Objectives … Read more

Short Answer

If you were asked to persuade a liberal audience on the negative effects of abortion, how would you do this using the Elaboration Likelihood Model? In your response make sure to reference: Kassin Text, Chadee Theory Book and One Empirical Article at least once each for a minimum of 3 references. (30 pts (Define ELM Model (15 pts) / Explain why & how … Read more

Week 6 Behavior & Stress Management

Creative Journal and Project: Meditation Techniques (Week 6)   Pick one to three different types of Meditations or Contemplations (e.g., Centering Prayer, Loving Kindness Meditation, etc.) to try, and practice several times this week. Journal about your experience through writing, drawing, painting, photography, etc. or a combination of approaches. Take photographs or make scans of … Read more

Between Groups Test Of Differences

Experimental, quasi-experimental, and non-experimental comparative designs regularly include multiple groups between which one must differentiate one or more variables. This assignment will provide you with the experience toward developing those skills. Using the data set provided, practice and demonstrate the skills of developing a problem statement, purpose statement, research question, and hypotheses. You will then … Read more


ess…- You will write a 3-4-page APA style , double-spaced. You will need at least three-four academic references to integrate into your es…. to support your analysis. You are allowed to use one scholarly website (.gov, .edu, .org,), the rest will consist of peer reviewed journals, and books to increase clarity of your es… and … Read more

Discussion Topic

 Sex and Gender  Discussion Topic Students, for this week’s discussion I would like you to consider how advances in technology effect personal relationships. That is, with the advent of email, texting, online dating, zooming, skyping, tweeting, instagram, etc. Do you think relationships are better today or more challenged? Please give examples to support your opinions. (I am a male and married with my husband … Read more


COURSE NAME Psychopathology: 1.Listen to the Van Morrison song, “Till We Get the Healing Done”. What areas of your life can you identify that need to be healed? 2.What interruption to organismic self-regulation do you use? 3.Remember a dream you had recently. Speak the various parts of the dream in the first-person, present tense. What … Read more

Ethics In Psychotherapy

PY 570 Weekly Paper Assignment (SUMMER) Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to develop comprehension of key concepts related to specific theoretical approaches to psychotherapy. Weekly papers provide an opportunity for students to apply critical thinking skills and to develop a deeper understanding of the similarities and differences among varying approaches to psychotherapy. Objectives … Read more