Careers In Psychology

Journal Article Reviews: 25 points Pick four research papers that represent research done in a field of psychology that is ofinterest to you (e.g., Clinical Psychology, School Psychology, Forensic Psychology,Industrial/OrganizationalPsychology, Neuropsychology, Health Psychology, Etc.). Each papermust be from a different field of psychology. The papers must bescientifically based and fromthe years 2010 to present, no … Read more

Divine Command Theory

First, watch the Crash Course Philosophy #33 Divine Command Theory to an external site.   Second, read Chapter 2 in Matthews and Hendricks: On Divine Command Theory and Natural Law Theory  ( to an external site.).   Third, prepare your Short Paper 2 (1-2 typed pages, full directions below) covering the following topics:   A. Describe in … Read more


Think about an intergroup conflict with which you are familiar or interested. It may be contemporary or historical. Consider the human needs that each party is or was trying to address in the conflict and how they affected the conflict.   Briefly describe the conflict that you selected. Briefly describe the needs that each party … Read more


DQ 6 Reply NOTES 6-1 AB (200 words and one reference) Frustration is more likely to lead to aggression when you take your frustrations out on someone else who may be frustrated. When thinking about this question I kept coming back to Black Friday and all the chaos that entails. I remember hearing about someone … Read more

Week 4

Download the assignment template from this week’s resources and complete the problems as listed. Assignment templates can be found under Course Resources, which is located on the top navigation bar, along with SPSS files and Datasets (if applicable). Show your work (either your hand calculations or your statistical program output). You can either scan your … Read more

Synthesis Assignment – Social Issue As The Behaviorist Sees It

Synthesis is the act of creating something new from multiple existing entities. Synthesis of research, then, is creating a new idea from existing ideas. It is a process developed through time and practice. In this assignment, you will apply the synthesis process to journal readings from the course. You will also need to conduct additional … Read more

Assessment 2

Instructions Scenario You are teaching at a local college and want to provide your students with an example of how a specific teratogen affects a critical trimester of fetal development, including timing, dosage, duration, and genetics. Prepare a lecture, using relevant and recent references to support your example, that explains the implications of a selected … Read more

Assignment 2: Intervention Treatment Plan

To prepare: Review the agency’s intervention/treatment plan used to engage clients. After reviewing the agency’s intervention/treatment plan, consult the literature and conduct extensive research, with the goal of finding best practices that supports or adds to the agency’s current intervention/treatment plan. The purpose of this assignment is to find research that supports or adds to … Read more