Week Five Feedback

Barbara, For your graph you should be able to just right click on it and save as a picture.  Then you can attach it with the plus button.  When you have groups those will be on the X axis as 2 separate bars.  Check out the the templates https://www.onlinecharttool.com/ https://statistics.laerd.com/ https://www.jamovi.org/mplates from Week 5- select … Read more

Peer Review Week 6

Give your partner feedback that will help them:Can you follow the methods?Can you see how they would analyze their data?Do the limitations seem reasonable? Is this section divided into Participants, Measures/Stimuli, and Procedure? Do the methods logically relate to the hypothesis? Are all variables defined? Are groups explained? Does the data analysis proposed to assist … Read more


How can a counselor with Christian beliefs demonstrate the golden rule when working with clients who have diverse worldviews? This discussion question meets the following NASAC Standards: 18) Understand diverse racial and ethnic cultures, including their distinct patterns of interpreting reality, world view, adaptation, and communication, and to incorporate the special needs of minority groups … Read more


Please include the following to create your Argumentative Essay Presentation Plan: Presentation author and title of the presentation (Essay) Purpose:  What do you want your audience to obtain or support after the discussion? Audience: What phrases will you adapt-without diverting from the purpose of the essay- as you select a medium to include on the … Read more

Peer Review Number 3

            Relationship Between Depression (from heartbreak) and Reaction Time Jenna Lantrip October 2nd, 2022                                   Relationship Between Depression (from heartbreak) and Reaction Time There are many reasons that can cause depression and a cognitive … Read more


There is much controversy on record keeping. Agencies require records after each session, and private therapists say less is better so courts cannot interpret the notes in the wrong context. What do you feel is practical and still within the psychologist’s legal obligation?

Brilliant Answers Only

When you hear the word “cap” what are the first 5 words that come to mind? Feel free to add explanations or rationalizations, if deemed necessary. Please generate your own list before looking at anyone else’s; this will help you see how individual experiences can influence conceptual connections. 100 words no citations


1 How does the existentialist view death? How are death and the meaning of life related? What are some counseling implications of the notions of death and non-being? Be specific in your response with reference to the chapter material. Feel free to use additional resources as appropriate. Your response will be a minimum of 250 words in … Read more

Worksheet 4 Pages 2 Pages A Piece Part 1 And Part 2

Watch one of the following: http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/up-down-bipolar-living/ http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/back-edge/ Read the assigned chapters in your text and the following article: http://www.familylife.com/articles/topics/life-issues/challenges/mental-and-emotional-issues/bipolar-disorder-mood-swings-mania-and-manic-depression Compare and contrast the video with the article and what you read in your textbook regarding Bipolar Disorder. Which of the assessment and treatment philosophies do you agree with most? Explain in a 2-3 page APA formatted paperr … Read more