
Assessment / Testing Prompt: This milestone provides you an opportunity to work more closely with your data by requiring you to identify common themes that emerged from the data, to analyze the reliability and validity of the data, to offer recommendations for the client, and to reflect on the entire process. It also allows you … Read more

I Need Help

Discussion Board Instructions: For your main post, draw your classmates into your post by coming up with a creative title for your post! When addressing the discussion prompt be original! Remember, each student brings a unique perspective to the discussion. When you address the prompts, not do so in a “Question and Answer” format (we … Read more

Assistance With DB

Due Date Wednesday, October 5, 202211:59 PM Points Possible 25 The purpose of this essay is to firmly establish your theoretical orientation, backed with reasons for your position. You might wonder what is meant by “theoretical orientation” — This is not meant to involve developing a theory of your own, but rather a form of intellectual commitment … Read more

Discussion Suicidal

Have you ever known someone who committed suicide? If you are comfortable, share the answers to the following.  If you do not know anyone personally, think about someone in news or other and gather the information by doing research: ·What type of behaviors did this person exhibit that are in line with the warning signs … Read more


Complete the Counseling Disposition Reflection Worksheet. You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. This assignment meets the following NASAC Standards: 18) Understand diverse racial and ethnic cultures, including their distinct patterns of interpreting reality, world view, adaptation, and communication, and to incorporate the special needs of minority groups and the differently abled … Read more


Instructions: Now it is time to develop a topic outline for your argumentative work. Select one of the following writing prompts: Are emojis beneficial or destructive to communication? Is age a major factor in college success? Is a college degree worth its price, since you will have student loans by the time you graduate? Has the use of technology … Read more

WK 4 Notes Reply

4-1 LL (200 words and one reference) Cognitive processes store information into the memory affects their judgement and behavior towards others from different backgrounds. When an individual is raised with different perspectives poured into them, they take on these perspectives and incorporate them into how they view life. According to Amodio (2014), prejudice stems from … Read more