Psychology Of Intimate Relationships Week 7

Description: Please read the following vignette, then answer the questions below in essay format. Sarah and Nadeem have been married for 11 years. They have two young children and a beautiful, expensive, newly-remodeled house. Nadeem is a struggling entrepreneur while Sarah is a successful lawyer. Sarah is resentful of Nadeem’s inability to contribute to the household … Read more

Empirical Reasoning

Introduction As the text points out, causal reasoning is used in clinical studies. As a professional in the health field, you will undoubtedly be referring to cause/effect studies for the rest of your professional life. In this discussion, you are asked to expand and deepen your understanding of clinical studies. In 1999, a study on … Read more

Moore PS101 DB 1 And 2

DB 1 Psychoanalytic theory suggests that some memories can be so painful, that a person can totally block them from their conscious memory and then later “recover” them; either spontaneously or while receiving therapy.  Others argue that these are false memories that can be created through the power of suggestion for some people.  Which viewpoint … Read more


Self-Care Wheel Worksheet Based on the results of your Self-Care Assessment, please list specific self-care behaviors in each of the six categories you feel are going well and specific behaviors you would like to improve.                 Physical Areas that are going well: eat regular get regular medical care … Read more


Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 3 (Thursday) and you have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your classmates. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses. Refer to the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric under the Settings icon above for guidance on how … Read more

Final Project 321

Applied Final Project – Observation of Social Behavior This assignment will leverage your curiosity. It will invite you to explore your ideas and connect social psychology to daily life. The Observation of Social Behavior project is an integrative assignment that supports synthesis and the third learning outcome for the course: explain and analyze the underlying causes … Read more

4 Week Notes

4-2 RL Reply (250 words with 1 reference) For Dr. Belle who works as a licensed psychologist for primarily adults and geriatrics with a variety of mood and anxiety disorders, being presented with a teenager with her own set of mood and anxiety disorders can present Dr. Belle with a few different ethical standards and … Read more

Discussion Board

You are responsible for finding one (1) current (from this year) news article relating to the TX Executive Branch. This specific news article summary is not exclusive to the governor. Remember, the TX executive branch is much more than just the governor and lieutenant governor. (See the chart on Canvas regarding the TX Executive Branch. … Read more

Week 10 Assignment Personality

Assignment: Experiencing Personality Assessments and Applying to One’s Goals Descriptive (non-clinical) personality assessments are often used to better understand your personality traits and individual strengths and then apply that information to better understand yourself and/or guide your development. This week you will complete three of the following online personality tests similar in kind to the Myers-Briggs … Read more