Student Loan Debt

Cite all materials using an accepted format: APA, MLA (if you are doing a PPT or infographic, please submit a separate bibliography/works cited). You’ll explore a policy that has been hotly debated. Discuss some of the policy players (groups) that have been involved in the debate: what are their values? what efforts did they make … Read more


USE THESE FOR DIRECTIONS   Mini Analysis 1:  Analysis of Organizational Leadership Theory and Practice (150pts.) Students will engage in a critical analysis of leadership theory and practice, based on readings from Part 1 and Part II (Chapters 1-4) of the text-Hickman, G.R. (2010).  Leading Change in Multiple Contexts.  Los Angeles, CA: Sage Publications. ISBN: 978-1-4129-2678-2. … Read more

Discussion Hum

After reviewing the learning materials in this module (lectures, readings, videos), answer the following prompt. While you don’t have to answer all of them, use the questions below to formulate a focused response: After learning about the three largest Pre-Columbian civilizations in Latin America what stood out for you? What similarities and differences do you find … Read more

Skills Building 3

250 2words   For this week  Skill Building Activity, you will complete the following steps: Watch the “Project Management at the Phoenician” video. Starwood: Project Management from GMC Online Course Development on Vimeo. Review the “Project Management at the Phoenician” video case on pages 272-273. Respond with answers to the questions using your critical thinking and moral reasoning skills.  … Read more

Skills Building

Watch the “Constraint Management at Southwest Airlines” video. Starwood: Project Management Review the “Constraint Management at Southwest Airlines” video case on page 206. Respond with answers to the questions using your critical thinking and moral reasoning skills.  If you are asked to draw an illustrative figure such as a chart, graph, or diagram, please do … Read more

Communication Question 1

Instructions Visit and complete the online survey designed to help you determine how well the organizational unit in which you currently work or most recently worked functions as a learning organization: Learning Organization Survey (Links to an external site.) . You will receive results from the website after completing the survey. Based on your survey … Read more

Strategic Management

1) What is Strategy? Video : 2) Strategic Thinking Video: Please answer the below two questions after watching the above two YouTube videos with references. (All in 1 page) Question 1: Define Strategic Management. What does this mean for your role in organizations? Question 2: Why is strategic thinking important in any role you might … Read more

Discussion 1

Read the resources for this module and concentrate on reviewing the history of healthcare information management and informatics. Continue your initial post by responding to the following: Where has healthcare information management been historically? How has the introduction of technology dramatically changed the landscape? How has the introduction of technology increased the need for and … Read more


Students may submit their final project in a format approved ahead of time (if a format not listed here) by the instructor, a format that may range from a narrative response in a document, a website, presentation, blog, or video presentation, but the project proposal and component parts completed during the semester will be written, … Read more