Success Seminar

After viewing each seminar you will need to complete a summary. The summary should include the following: A minimum of 3 valuable lessons you have learnedAfter viewing each seminar you will need to complete a summary. The summary should include the following: Must be written in full sentences with complete paragraphs (minimum of 3 paragraphs)Must … Read more

Management Styles

Objectives: By completing the Discussion Board questions, you will gain further insight into various management styles and their effectiveness in the entertainment industry. This will be a benefit both as a manager and for working under different management styles. Please visit this website: If you run into any issues with the link to this … Read more


SWOT AnalysisPrior to completing this assignment, review your prior research on the company you selected for research in this Weeks Environmental Scanning interactive assignment. Also watch the video How to Perform a SWOT Analysis (Links to an external site.) (2016). In approximately 250 words, Describe the companys history, products, and major competitors by accessing the … Read more


MY COUNTRY IS ITALY You have started on your country project. your country (project/paper) has a currency. To assist with this assignment listed here are web links: What is the name of your countrys currency?What was/is its value as of  last month, last week, and today  to the U-S dollar? The Japanese … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Using the principles and tools outlined in the textbook, form an estimate of the Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) for the firm. Then, use the dividend-discount model to estimate the value of a share of your firms stock and compare this estimate to the current market value. Review this week’s instructional materials for complete … Read more

The Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Farah Mohammeds article, Why Are Diamonds More Expensive Than Water? (Links to an external site.), as well as Chapter 5 in your textbook, especially Sections 5.1 and 5.3, and respond to the following: Describe the relationship between total utility and marginal utility.Explain if marginal utility can be … Read more

Discussion boards

DQ 4: What is a product platform? Why is it important for a business? Why is IP important to consider for any venture? What are the different types of IP for a venture? DQ 5: What is the importance of a business model? Why do you think most business models fail? One page each discussion. … Read more

Crisis -5

A central premise of the crisis leadership specialization is that strategic thinking is an important skill for the crisis leader to use during response and recovery. However, it is also a critical skill in the mitigation and preparedness (i.e., pre-crisis) phases. How do leaders integrate crisis thinking during the external analysis, internal analysis, strategy formulation, … Read more