RES 5240 4.3

  For Part I of your Final Project, you will comprehensively evaluate an article of your choice that reports on a qualitative study. (Remember, a study that uses qualitative methods utilizes data that is not numerical.) Locate an article in the professional literature that addresses a topic you are interested in. Use the to assist … Read more

RES 5240- 4.2

  Experimental validity refers to the manner that variables influence the results of the research and the generalizability of the results to the population at large. The two types of validity that are relevant to experimental designs include internal validity and external validity. Instructions: Using a topic of interest to yourself, briefly describe a proposed … Read more


1. write a commentary after you watch a Hongkong movie ” “, click the link: 2.please kindly see the attached requirement carefully. 3. need an argument and a quote from the attached readings. 4. no more than 350 words. 5.need a plagiarism check result. Thank you.

Music discussion 5

Do you agree or disagree with the labeling of records that contain explicit lyrics? Do you think that any form of censorship is always a bad and dangerous thing? The compact disk seems to be destined to the same fate of the vinyl record: almost complete extinction. Will the worlds technology become completely wireless/virtual?If so, … Read more

assignment due in 3 hours 40-50 minutes of work

  This weeks reading questions are due Sunday by 11:59pm. Tap here to upload your MS Word file answering the following about EACH reading. Each RQ assignment is worth 4 points and must have responses to all the questions for each of the readings (min. 600 – max. 650 words) to earn all 4 points.            For each reading assignment set, answer the following questions:             1.  What do you think are the important points … Read more

homework assignment due tonight

    This weeks reading questions are due Sunday by 11:59pm. Tap here to upload your MS Word file answering the following about EACH reading. Each RQ assignment is worth 4 points and must have responses to all the questions for each of the readings (min. 600 – max. 650 words) to earn all 4 points.            For each reading assignment set, answer the following questions:             1.  What do you think are the important … Read more


  This weeks reading questions are due Sunday by 11:59pm. Tap here to upload your MS Word file answering the following about EACH reading. Each RQ assignment is worth 4 points and must have responses to all the questions for each of the readings (min. 600 – max. 650 words) to earn all 4 points.            For each reading assignment set, answer the following questions:             1.  What do you think are the important points … Read more

Socialwork discussion

First Read the Harjo Case Study. Also read through the supplemental information on the city of Globe. . Then address the following questions in your response: What is 1 crisis or traumatic experience that has happened to your client, and how has it affected them? If you do not believe that your client has experienced … Read more

sports questions

1. How would you incorporate a winners circle in your practices and games?  Give three different ideas/ways a winners circle can be used.  2. Explain what a Mistake Ritual is and give three examples that you might use as a coach. 3. Explain what the Magic Ratio is and then give a practice drill/ situation and … Read more

gender studies homework crenshaw reading

need someone to answer these questions in depth. Need it for a discussion post, she wants us to refer back to this crenshaw reading.  THIS IS THE ASSIGNMENT:  Discussion 2 is a graded assignment. You must post a minimum of 3 times. Posts 1 and 2 are in response to my questions (see questions listed … Read more