Politics and Religion in America

Research Paper Topic/Thesis/Sources  “Politics and Religion in America” Paper Topic and Thesis Statement.  Develop a clear thesis about the topic (Use the attached thesis drafting exercise). Identify three scholarly articles that will help you develop your paper.  The 3 Scholarly Articles must be from https://www.jstor.org/ 

What did religious choice and freedom have to do with political choice and freedom in American history? How did personal religious experience of the revivals and Great Awakenings of the 18th century influence the American Revolution?

 What did religious choice and freedom have to do with political choice and freedom in American history? How did personal religious experience of the revivals and Great Awakenings of the 18th century influence the American Revolution?  “At least 300 WORDS” Must include two specific reference from the video.  Your answer should make at least two … Read more


 Men playing womens roles have been common in the theatre for thousands of years. Today its done for comic effect, anything else is often deemed politically incorrect. But why is it politically incorrect and does it have to be so? 

TV Paper Outline

The assignment is going to write an outline for a paper which I have finished and attached in the file. Your goal is following the outline guideline to finish this assignment, and make this outline more real. Also, I cannot divulge the content of the paper.

french homework

   FRE1110 Fall 2010 QUIZ III- Espaces Leon 2A Structures :  Verbes rguliers ER , Interrogation et Ngation I Compltez les phrases avec la forme correcte du verbe, et traduisez en anglais : 18% (dessiner) Nathalie..pour son      cours dart. (manger) Olivier et moi,      nous.de temps en temps au resto U. (commencer) Tu ton      livre dhistoire. … Read more

CliftonStrengths Reflection Paper

1. Read Rath & Conchie: Strengths-Based Leadership (pages 7 95 and the 5 additional resources related to your top 5 strengths). 2. Read your Signature Theme Report and Strengths Insight Guide (can be downloaded from the same website you downloaded your report at no extra charge). 3. Write a 2-page paper that identifies your top … Read more

Life is like an Obstacle

 Throughout our life, it is bound that there are periods of challenges that we must face, but the real challenge is how we grow and learn from overcoming them. Being naive, innocent children, we ignorantly believed that life was going to be simple and effortless. Oh, we were far from correct, we can only dream … Read more

irian art

article review: What is the topic and why is it relevant to the class? What are the main issues related to class and raised in the article/news piece? Was a particular point of view taken? How was it legitimated or justified? State something critical but constructive about the reading. Do you think that the issue … Read more

Film Observation

 Watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuwWf8dhb34 Write your observations (up to 400 words) applying the most relevant ideas of: Halls High/Low Context Cultural Patterns (eBook page 228) Kluckhohns Value Orientations (eBook page 95) Hofstedes Cultural Patterns (eBook page 87 and 103-105) Here is a resource that you may find helpful as you connect the theorist (Hall, Kluckhohn and Hofstece) … Read more

Design research methods and seminar (Preliminary Research )

 including: Reading Summaries (3 texts), Discussion of Design Object, refined Essay Question and Bibliography. The first task requires you to gather and summarise information relevant to your Research Essay. You should choose an Essay Question from the list provided, and read and summarise at least 3 relevant scholarly texts (summaries should be between 200-250 words … Read more