On Free Will (Chapter 6 of the book)

The essay should address the following. (a) How do human institutional facts lock in to human rationality? (b) Why does the institutional structure of society be there? (c) Can society be constructed as an engineering problem? (d) Can unconscious robots have institutions? (e) Is it possible to program human beings to act like robots? (f) … Read more

Play Analysis : Hamlet vs The Lion King

                                  In your essay, address the following:     1   How is the adaptation the same as the original? Discuss plot, characters, theme, conflict,        language, etc.    2      How does the adaptation differ from the original? Discuss setting, time period, characters, plot, language, etc.    3      Does the original story translate well in the adaptation? Why or why not? Did … Read more

Introduction to Philosophy Discussion 4

1. From your reading of Anselms text alone (in other words, dont do any research on the internet before you answer this questionyou can do that later), try to construct the argument you think he is making (his ontological argument for Gods existence). Then, construct the argument you think Gaunilo uses to challenge Anselms argument, … Read more

paper homework

Hello, I need help with writting my essay. I already have rough draft but I need final essay from what I have. It’s for Critinal thinking class. You may need refer to textbook which i can provide pdf file.    This writing project includes a comprehensive application of the elements of critical reasoning that we … Read more

need soon

Create a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation with detailed speaker’s notes, which covers the following: (focus is child molesters) Identify prevention interventions for each phase. Identify how the interventions would vary for each sex offender based on their risk level. Describe how those interventions might be used. In other words, provide examples. Describe how you might … Read more

Cultural Relativism and Moral Action

  InstructionsFor this assignment propose a scenario where you or someone you know are confronted with a moral dilemma relating to cultural diversity and multiculturalism. It cannot be the same as what was covered in the week one discussion. Cultural diversity refers to religious, sexual, racial, and other forms of social difference. A moral dilemma … Read more

module 3

Choose either Anselms version of the Ontological Argument for the existence of God, or the version of the Cosmological Argument for the existence of God formulated by Samuel Clarke and articulated by David Hume (see the indented, italicized paragraph at the top of p. 23 in the assigned Clack & Clack text). Note: While Clack … Read more

inductive and deductive reasoning

  Initial Post InstructionsFor the initial post, address the following: Find and post examples of deductive and inductive arguments. Do NOT use an argument example which clearly indicates it is an example of an inductive/deductive argument.  For each example, evaluate its logical strength, using the concepts and ideas presented in the textbook readings, the lesson, … Read more