due tomorrow…….. philosophy……

 this assignment is due in 10 hours…… must be done in 10 hours……. no late work  Based on USA Philosophy  The attachment (FALD master list)  has the instructions and you must follow them completely There is a list of 45  each answer will look like #4 in the attachment which is like this:    What … Read more

Indigenous religions in North America and Africa

Indigenous religions in North America and Africa were both greatly affected by colonization and contact with other cultures and communities. What are some examples of how colonization affected these communities and their indigenous religions? What were some of the consequences of these interactions? How has colonization continued to affect these communities and their religious traditions? … Read more


  Plato, Republic (380 BC), Book VII, The Allegory of the Cave 1. How are the prisoners first presented to us in the cave? What are they doing? 2. Who else, besides the prisoners are in the cave with them? And how do they spend their time? What are they doing in the cave? 3. How is … Read more

PowerPoint presentation

This is the 3rd part of my presentation which you have to do. so i have attached my 2nd part for you. In the 3rd part basically u have to explain and elaborate the work of part 2 made by me which is attached. Also, for the part 3 whole sample is attached so you … Read more

On Language and Social Reality

Your essay should address the following. (a) What is institutional reality? (b) Creating institutional facts: How does a wall become boundary? (c) Creating institutional facts: How does one thing counts as another thing in certain context? (d) How is something like a corporation constructed? (e) Explain speech acts with reference to construction of social events. … Read more


 At the end of the Meno (around 100b) Socrates says that if Meno can convince Anytus of the things they have concluded in the dialogue he will provide a benefit to the Athenians. Given the background of the Apology what do you think Socrates means by this. What is the overall topic of the Meno? … Read more

relationship paper

  Relationship Paper You will be required to analyze a relationship in which you are currently involved in, or a past relationship.  The relationship does not need to be romantic in nature; however, it must be one in which you share some history, and therefore are fairly familiar with the other party.  The rationale for … Read more

need in 8 hours

Conduct an Internet search for the Static 99 assessment. Complete the Static 99 assessment for either Jerry . Determine the selected offender’s level of risk based on his assessment results. Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper discussing treatment options for the selected offender. Include the following: Briefly summarize the case scenario you chose. Summarize the results of the … Read more