
 For the Full of Fallacies assignment, you will create an advertisement that is full of fallacies (). You may find a list of fallacies under “What are some logical fallacies?” in the Lesson and . The intention of the advertisement is to manipulate the audience using any number of logical fallacies ().    Part I: … Read more

Philosophy Paper

Discuss and evaluate the three theories of lifes meaning:  theism, nihilism, and subjectivism.  Which theory do you find to be the most persuasive and why? Requirements of the Paper You must cite at least two academic sources (such as journal articles, books, websites, etc.).  Make sure those sources are academically reputable.  Since web addresses change … Read more


Write a short reflection statement (350-500 words) after reading Chapter 12. Use complete sentences and correct academic writing to complete this assignment. Respond in writing to these items: Explain how Nagel’s essay highlights the irresolvable dilemma between a utilitarian approach to War and the absolutist approach.  Walzer examines excuses for terrorism while granting that terrorism cannot … Read more

due today in 7 hours…… watch video answer question….

this is due in 7 hours……. no late work…….. must have done in 7 hours…..  WAtch the video:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nexTlimdDw4&t=1s after watching video do:   Here are the questions I would like you to answer in your Reply: LETS PRACTICE:  Identify the sample, the target, and the property.  Then say whether the argument is an inductive generalization … Read more


What purpose do you feel that religion serves? Why do you feel religions exist? What do you feel is the role of religion in the 21st century? Why should we look at religion through a “Religious Studies” approach? *Do not forget that your journal entries should be a minimum of 300 words. I am looking … Read more

Need an Essay

Class PHI2604  Lession 1 – Ethics & The Examined Life – CH1 Write a short objective summary of 250-500 words that summareized the main ideas being put forward by the author in this selection. What is the socrative Method? By Christopher Phillips  or The “Euthphro” by Plato This assignment is due tomorrow, Sunday May 23, … Read more

Philosophical Essay

   Task: This 4 5 full page (not to exceed 6 pages) Philosophical Essay you will be writing due Week 7 is designed to be a thoughtful, reflective work. The 4 5 full pages does not include a cover page or a resource page. It will be your writing assignment focused on the integration and … Read more