philosophy /logic argument question

watch the episode of house. Find and Discuss 6 arguments2 valid and sound deductive2 strong and cogent inductive 2 bad arguments of any kindBe sure to explain in detail your technical evaluation of each argument. Break it down in logic book form. 

Philosophy Paper

Compare and evaluate Mill’s utilitarianism and Kant’s ethical view in light of the verdicts they make on the ethical issues concerning global famine or abortion. Choose one (and only one) topic that you will discuss (famine or abortion, but not both). Explain Mill’s view and Kant’s view. Then compare the implications of these two ethical … Read more

case study using utilitarianism

How to determine the best outcome of a situation using utilitarianism? I have to examine a sexual abuse case using utilitarianism, but I do not know which course of action would be considered to have the best outcome according to utilitarianism: by outing the abuser, you disrupt the family’s peace and happiness and all of … Read more

need paper done asap

need paper done follow examples 5 pages double spaced must also watch the Movie do the right thing and related back to the essay. Make sure you watch the movie please and relate it to the essay read the readings as well 

Philosophy of Religion Writing Assignment

  What are the strengths and weakenesses of the  Design argument as presented in Aquinas’ Fifth Proof for the Existence of God? Is the complex order of nature proof of a creator as Paley and Aquinas argue? Do you believe this or the other proofs offered by Aquinas are convincing? Can be existence of God be … Read more

Guilty or Not guilty?

   1. Rawls vs. Nozick You are a lawyer representing an unknown client in writing the constitution for a new nation of Freedonia. Argue for either John Rawlss conception of the Fair Equality of Opportunity Principle (which Nozick would reject if it entails government action to redress inequalities of opportunity) and the Difference Principle or … Read more

Philosophy 15

 Answer of the following questions in 100 words based on the attach document. Albert Camus, The Myth of Sisyphus, (1942) 1. Why does Camus describe Sisyphus in the classical myth, as an absurd hero (2)? Why is Sisyphus situation absurd for Camus? And why is he a hero? (Answer the question in your own words. … Read more

The Ford Pinto Case

Write a 4-5 page paper arguing that, on both the Utilitarian and the Deontological conceptions of morality, those, within the company, that knew about the decision to release the Pintos for sale, had a moral obligation to blow the whistle on the company and warn the general public that it was putting their safety at … Read more

sociology discussion

  Find two academic articles that you want to use in your final paper. Find these articles through the library website in the research databases. Academic articles generally have abstract, introduction, methods, results, and discussion sections.  Search for articles that have at least some of these sections, particularly the abstract. Use the list below of … Read more

Leadership Philosphy

   Create Your Personal Leadership Philosophy An effective leadership philosophy is different than your personal purpose, values, and valued behaviors. While your leadership philosophy will be built upon the foundation your clear personal purpose and values statement creates, it is specific to your leadership efforts (in the workplace, in a community organization, wherever you are … Read more