need in a few hours

need one slide Describe the effects of this plan on substance abuse.  this is the plan:     A rehabilitation plan is beneficial to avoid relapse, triggers, and prevent going back to substance abuse. People who have had problems with substance abuse may need a rehabilitation plan for the following reasons: Stress Financial problems Relationship/social issues … Read more

Descartes Meditation ( philosophy)

 1. Describe Descartes project in Meditation  1 What is the aim of this project (what is he seeking to achieve)? 2. What problem is Descartes seeking to address with his project? 3. In order to achieve the general destruction of all his former opinions, Descartes claims it is not necessary to prove that they are … Read more

Philosophy Discussion 2

i. write a response for these:    What is the role of violence for Machiavelli? When should you commit violence? Against whom should you be violent? In what ways is violence useful? Harmful? Links: Reply to the following responses: 1. Violence in this sense refers to the use of brutal force to … Read more

week 11 disussion critical thinking

  Please respond to the following: Give your opinion on whether being an effective critical thinker makes decision making easier or more challenging. Talk about concrete decisions you had to or will have to make. Justify your response. Consider the following statement: The major difference between a successful person and one who is not successful … Read more

Week 10 discussion

  Throughout this term, weve strived to expand your personal thought processes. Please respond to the following: Using the weekly readings from Chapter 10, “Case Study,” as your guide, how do you intend on altering your approach to problem-solving in the future? If you could select one aspect that you encountered over this term, what … Read more


  The 18th-century French writer known as Voltaire has been quoted as having said, “No problem can withstand the assault of sustained thinking.” When faced with a problem, what do you do to solve it? This assignment asks you to apply a six-step problem-solving process to a specific problem scenario. Review the six-step problem-solving process … Read more

Effects of sleep

Look at the document    I need you to a page and half no need for cover page but need sources at least 2 to 3. look at the word documents and answer all question in an essay form APA

DUE 9/13 by 10PM (EST)

  Differentiating Between Types Of Case Study Research There are many types of case studies.  Find at least three research studies that use a different case study design.  For each case study, describe the case study design used, the problem, purpose, and research questions the design address and the rationale for why the specific case … Read more

need sundsay

1,050- to 1,400-word  on substance abuse treatment. Include the following: Describe contemporary substance abuse and addiction treatment strategies. Compare treatment strategies for various correctional facilities. Recommend one treatment strategy for a specified correctional population, and justify your recommendation. Describe potential legal and ethical challenges faced by corrections professionals in the treatment of addiction.

need today

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: It is so important to set your client up for success with a relapse plan. Why do we need to keep our expectations realistic? How can we help our clients understand that relapses will happen without discouraging their sobriety?