
Please write 350 words! In Walter Sinnott-Armstrong’s essay, “It’s Not My Fault: Global Warming and Individual Moral Obligations,” Sinnott-Armstrong argues that there seems to be no general moral principle that could persuasively argue against the idea that I should be able to engage in behavior, such as “Driving a gas-guzzler just for fun.” Do you … Read more

world view

You will write one essay. Answer thoroughly in your own words. I am only looking for your personal explanation. Submit your exam as a Word document.  1.  Using several detailed paragraphs (a minimum of 500 words), explain The Story of Reality up to where we are in lecture #7. You may use your notes, journals, … Read more

Research Essay on Game Theory

This research paper will be the culmination of the research you proposed in week 4. Be sure you have followed the instructions below; Writing a philosophy paper and Directions for how to format your paper as an argument. Upload it as an MS Word document. If you attach it as a PDF or any other … Read more


https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/ethics-virtue/ Virtue Ethics http://classics.mit.edu/Aristotle/nicomachaen.1.i.html https://youtu.be/NJbTkXp8PKw                                                   Writing assignment: Your essay will be 4-5 pp (not  including Title / Reference pages.  1) Review and summarize the Learning  Resources from the Lesson (or other source), and indicate how this  school of ethics differs from those of earlier weeks; 2), explore how  Virtue Ethics might play a role … Read more

write a short, objective summary of 250-500 words which summarizes the main ideas being put forward by the author in this selection.

  Instructions: STEP 1 – After reading all of Chapter 20, please select ONE of the following primary source readings: The Morality of Migration by Seyla Benhabib (starting on page 766)-or- The Moral Dilemma of U.S. Immigration Policy Revisited: Open Borders vs. Social Justice?  by Stephen Macedo (starting on page 768)-or- Selecting Immigrants by David … Read more


 As you can plainly see in the readings, the problem of poverty is quite real in our society. The gap between rich and poor is extremely wide compared to other democratic and industrialized nations, and the gap often widens as the salaries of CEO’s continue to climb. Many who are poor work full-time and have multiple jobs. … Read more


Submit a printed 150-200 word digest/journal based on the required reading in Scott Rae’s book In your own words, but with appropriate quoting or paraphrasing, you will give a concise summary of the important points of the chapter. Life – Death, Capital Punishment, Euthanasia, War – Scot Rae


Read through this chapter and be prepared to address the questions at the end of the chapter.  We will also want to discuss the subject of sexuality as comfortably as possible.  If there are aspects of the subject that may offend or embarrass you please know that our goal is to address the values and … Read more

world view

Read and journal Whats Your Worldview, by James N. Anderson. Points will be awarded for excellence and thoughtful engagement with the subject matter.  In paragraph format, use about 1500 words (no less than 1200 words, no more than 2000), to answer all of these questions: (1)  What is your own answer to each of Andersons … Read more

world view

You will write one essay. Answer thoroughly in your own words. I am only looking for your personal explanation. Submit your exam as a Word document.  1.  Using several detailed paragraphs (a minimum of 500 words), explain The Story of Reality up to where we are in lecture #7. You may use your notes, journals, … Read more