Discussion 4 Peer Response

Peer Response: Read and respond to at least 1 other classmate (min. 125 words).   Note: The peer response must contain relevant content as well. Avoid repeating (even in different words) what you wrote about in your main discussion, as part of the response to the classmate. Whether you agree or disagree with your peer’s discussion, add new content, new … Read more

video assignment

  Watch the video in the link and please answer the following questions: 1. What did you notice about the age or range of ages of the person portrayed in the video? 2. How would you describe the individuals’ moods and affects?  Look up these terms, (mood and affect) so that you can answer the … Read more

Discussion 4 Humanities

During the last classes you have learned/review about Medieval and Renaissance Eras. For this week, choose a topic from the list below and follow steps 1 and 2 described underneath.The videos shared above will help with these topics, however, you can also do research to help you complete the work.Topic A: Discuss some changes in … Read more


Carefully examine the eight essential moral theories discussed in Chapter 1 and then pick the theory you think best aligns with your own moral compass.  Describe your chosen moral theory in some detail. Explain why you think your theory is a better source of moral guidance than some of the competing theories discussed in the chapter

Intro To Philosophy

Final Exam!..  The following five questions comprise your Final Exam.  The answers will be derived from your textbook as well as your own critical thinking.  Please do not hesitate to answer them and turn them in.  1.  What is the relationship between Philosophy and Rationality?   2. Does the inability to answer a philosophical question … Read more

Philosophy Essay

Choose A or B – NOT BOTH   Topics for your Essay, Choose A or B Essay Length tips–To answer these topics completely, it takes about 2 pages8-10 paragraphs. Use the topic questions and the scoring rubric to see if your draft responds fully to all parts of the question. A complete thoughtful answer is … Read more

Philosophy Question

  Read the assigned reading from the chapter. Then choose ONE of the questions below to answer. Answer the question you chose in a response that is a minimum of 1-2 paragraphs. Be sure to explain your answers and give reasons for your views. You should cite the textbook and use brief quotations and summaries … Read more


Its on Book called Philosophy and the Good Life a text for beginners third edition   Chapter 4: Epicurus 1. Although Epicurus is a hedonist, he is clearly opposed to vulgar hedonism. Can you find additional arguments for or against the theory of vulgar hedonism? Is it not terribly judgmental for us to claim that … Read more

Natural Law Theory

After reading Chapter 8, address the following prompts:  1.) According to natural law theorists, how can nature reveal anything about morality?; and   2.) Explain how Natural Law Theory could help you to live a better life?  Provide real-life examples to support your claims.  Your total word count should be at least 400 words.