free will and determinism assignment

  For this writing assignment you must watch the video below and read Sartre’s Essay on Freedom & Responsibility:  What are the implications of the research shown in the video for our understanding of free will? Why does Skinner deny the possibility of free will? How does a strictly causal explanation of human behavior conflict … Read more

Kantian Point of View

The 1976 movie Network (directed by Sidney Lumet and starring Faye Dunaway and Peter Finch) gives a prescient picture of what media production and content, especially news channels, would become. Write a paper that analyzes one or two ethical questions or questionable decisions that come up in the film from a Kantian point of view. … Read more

Environmental Ethics Paper

I need help in finalizing my final term paper for the Environmental Ethics course. I have finished my outline but I need to construct the writing.  I have provided the assignment instruction as a document and my outline too.  Please help me! This assignment is due April 4th, 2021 at 11:59 pm Mountain Time. 

Article analysis and discussion

THE TASK IS TO DO A DETAILED ANALYSIS ON THE ATTACHED ARTICLE (RAP AND MORAL CHARACTER) FOLLOWING THE FORMAT SPECIFIED IN THE INSTRUCTIONS FILE AND SAMPLE ANALYSIS POWERPOINT.  THE STEPS ARE AS FOLLOWS:  Step 1. Read, annotate, and clarify the passage. Identify purpose and conclusion, annotate the passage, clarify key concepts and claims. This part … Read more


 A madman comes to your door, demanding that you help him kill your friend, by telling him where this friend is hiding, or else he will kill you.  You are a Kantian, and you cannot ethically kill, aid in killing, lie, or commit suicide.  So, what is the ethical thing to do?  APA7 format at … Read more


 In 500 words or more (no less), research the trolley problem  and tell me why you would or would not pull the lever. Make sure you  use the concepts introduced in the material above. You may use examples,  but you will still need to include a full scholarly definition of each,  with commentary. You may … Read more

Discussion: Kant’s Ethics and Our Duty

  Elaborate in detail the ethical positions arrived at by using the Kantian categorical imperative relative to the long standing debate surrounding the death penalty or abortion. Argue the ethics from the point of view of the prisoner or from the fetus   Writing Requirements Minimum of 2 posts (1 initial & 1 follow-up) Minimum of 2 … Read more

Freedom and Authority

   Write a 2-3-page essay on a selected issue related to the tension between individual freedom and social institutions. By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies: Competency 1: Explain the nature of ethical issues. Explain the ethical basis for the relation of individuals to their government. Competency … Read more

Research Paper

   What are your assumptions about capital punishment, and how do they compare to the facts? Do some web research regarding capital punishment: You will choose 2 of 4 issues to research & report your findings (mostly in your own words, although you can use quotes or lists of data as needed). Try to find … Read more