Critical Thinking Summary

In your own words, summarize the first three chapters of the text in 400 words.  Include a paragraph which describes the weaknesses of ethical relativism.  Fundamentals of Critical Thinking & Ethics M1: Lesson 1 – Ethics and the Examined Life (Ch-1) M1: Lesson 2 – Subjectivism, Relativism, and Emotivism (Ch-2) M1: Lesson 3 – Evaluating … Read more


   Detail the positions of each side of the ethical debate. Note at least two moral reasons each side presents to show their view on the topic  What      would an Ethical Egoist say about this topic? What side would the Ethical      Egoist take? What would the Ethical Egoist say to justify their moral      position? Is … Read more


  After watching the documentary: Trauma Informed Social Work Supervision Brown Bag by Angela Willits and Jennifer Ginsberg March 31, 2016 University of Wisconsin Madison. Answer the following questions. What is supervision? What is Trauma-informed Care How do social workers incorporate trauma-informed care into supervisory practices? What are some challenges and barriers in incorporating trauma-informed … Read more

Ethics Journal 10

What are three things that either surprised you or you took away from Father Mike and Bishop Barrons videos and WHY? What did you learn about surrogacy globally and in the US? What do you think Christianity would have to say about surrogacy? Does surrogacy violate Gods law Each response should be 2 paragraphs per question.  Links … Read more

Discussion 3 with Peer Respone as well

You have recently learned/reviewed about the 3 Monothestic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam). Addtionally, you learned/reviewed about the Byzantine Empire.  Choose a topic from the list below and follow steps 1 and 2 described underneath.Topic A: After going over some information about the Byzantine Empire in class and watching the video shared in this folder,  either … Read more

Ethical Egoism and Utilitarianism

Consider a janitorial company called Clean-X that employs undocumented workers. The owner pays them $5.00 an hour and keeps $15.00 for each hour they work.  If the employer did not make this margin of profit, he would not be willing to run the company.  Without this company, many local businesses would have to pay much more … Read more

Describe the theory of knowledge called skepticism.

Describe the theory of knowledge called skepticism. Consider the skeptics charge that we can never be confident about the reliability of our normal sources of knowledge (perceptions, memory, introspection, and reasoning.) Describe why and how, for each of the 4 sources mentioned, the source is unreliable. Use examples to show your understanding. If a source … Read more

Which View Of Sexual Behavior (Conventional, Liberal Or Moderate) Come Closest To Your Own Perspective? What Are Your Reasons For Favoring It?.

         Which view of sexual   behavior (conventional, liberal or moderate) come closest to your own   perspective? What are your reasons for favoring it? minimum of 350 words.  I have a liberal view   Conventional view-Sex is morally acceptable only between one man and one woman who are married to each other by legal authority- … Read more

Philosophy 10

 Answer one of the following questions in 100 words based on the attach document. Chapter 1. 1. What does Paulo Freire mean when using the following terms: oppressed, oppressors; humanization, dehumanization,? (p.43-44). (Answer the question in your own words. Also find examples in the text). 2. Why does Freire think that the struggle for humanization … Read more

Can either (1) determinism or (2) cultural relativism be used to excuse behavior that harms others? (You may choose to discuss either concept – or both.)

Length of Essay: 275 words (min.) – 350 words (max.) This is approximately one double-spaced page – not including the title page and the reference page. Formatting and Content: Follow the specific formatting and content guidelines in the Standards for PHI 300 Essays document (link above).  Read the grading rubric for essays(below) before writing. The … Read more