Problem Solving Essay

READ !!!! The assignment is divided into Two parts, the selection of a topic (Part 1) and the essay (Part 2). PART 1: Scenario: Your child comes home from school with an assignment sheet for a school project. They are very excited about the project and begin work immediately, doing research on the Internet and … Read more

need in 6 hours

Explain the benefits of counseling.(100 words) also i need Create an 8- to 10-slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation on treating special populations in the correctional setting. Include the following: Describe characteristics of special populations that are necessary for consideration when choosing a counseling model. Compare the models used for treatment of the special populations within the correctional system. Describe … Read more

Week 5 Project

  The Good Life The final graded assignment is an 8-10 page paper on the question: what is the good life? This assignment will be completed in four parts, so you may want to use section headers to organize your paper. This paper is somewhat cumulative, so you may need to review material from previous … Read more


Write two paragraphes for this question. -In the first paragraph, examine the world around you. Search online for your local news website and locate a story where you believe an ethical dilemma is going on. Please keep this story local and not national news. Briefly explain the story, the ethical dilemma you identified, and how … Read more

Philosophy 5 update

  InstructionsFor the assignment, I would like you to take a position on one (or two) of the assigned readings for the first section of the course (Ethics and Knowledge), and write a well argued, critical essay of around 1000 to 1200 words (12 point font, in Times New Roman, 1.5 spacing, with a Works … Read more

Outline for essay

   An essential skill of this course is analytical reading. To this end, you will be required to write a 1-page outline summarizing the argument of Turing’s “Computing Machinery and Intelligence.” The outline should be single-spaced, use 12-point font, Times New Roman, and one-inch margins. Your outline should incorporate answers to the following questions: What is the … Read more

Discussion – the message and practice of intersectionality and one rely to a peer

please see the file, all the poem videos are short    one choice reading

phil outline

  this is my topic; Evaluate the movie, The Matrix, in terms of the philosophical issues raised with (1) skepticism and (2) the mind-body problem. Explain how the movie raises questions similar to those found in Plato’s and Descartes’ philosophy (). Do not give a plot summary of the movie focus on the philosophical issues … Read more

Critique 3

The critique explanation video found on the START HERE tab.  You are required to write 3 critiques about 3 different kinds of events during the entire semester. You will be submitting critique no. 2  here by the due date February 22nd (11:59pm) The  critique needs to be at least 200 words, double space, which fits one … Read more