Final Writing Project

The Final Writing Exercise is in the format of a job interview. You have just graduated from Brooklyn College and now you are being interviewed for your dream job. Congratulations! Though, first you have to pass the interview process and the interviewer has learned that you took a class in Business Ethics. The interviewer is … Read more

critique 4

The critique explanation video found on the START HERE tab.  You are required to write 3 critiques about 3 different kinds of events during the entire semester. You will be submitting critique no. 3  here by the due date February 22nd (11:59pm) The  critique needs to be at least 200 words, double space, which fits one … Read more

roles of the media in influencing government and its citizens

  Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Chapter 6 Lesson 2 APA style manual Extra resources: Mills, H. (2007). Power points!: How to design and deliver presentations that sizzle and sell (Office essentials collection). New York: AMACOM. (2007). Retrieved October 30, 2019, from WorldCat. InstructionsYou are attending an international journalist event and have … Read more

3 page paper

Book Commentary: Submit a three- to five-page commentary in APA format on the novel Roseflower Creek. From a multicultural counseling perspective, discuss the significance of gender, class, relationship, and parent issues portrayed in this novel. This portion of your paper should be approximately half of your paper. For the other half, conclude your commentary with … Read more


 For this assignment, you will need to read the paper included in the Midterm module (Moving Toward a Grand Theory of Development: In Memory of Esther Thelen, 2006). This paper will give you a general direction of the theories of development by focusing on the life and scientific work of Esther Thelen. Assignment Format Requirements: … Read more

This is a written exam 1.400 words or longer. below i’m going to put the questions that you need to answer.

EXAM 1 QUESTIONS What is an inductive/deductive argument? Name one KIND of each argument then give an example of each. What are Euthyphros various attempts to define piety (or  holiness) and what are Socrates objections to these definitions? Who  gets the better of the argument? Why? What definition for piety would  you give Socrates? By what … Read more


Option 2.       Choose a review of an artwork from a newspaper, magazine, anthology, or online source of your choosing and answer the questions about it shown below. The review must be 500 words or longer to give you enough to work with, but it can be a review of any work, any type of … Read more

Hello! I need a paper for my philosophy class. It should be 1.300 words or more. heres all the indications that the professor gave us.

  BOOK for the info: Doing Philosophy: An Introduction Through Thought Experiments 5th/6th Ed., (DOPH). Schick, T and Lewis Vaughn eds. McGraw Hill Press, (2012/2019) The basic requirements of the paper    The paper must be 1200-1500 words long minimum (but can be longer).   You must CITE your sources!  (You choose the style/format. There are paper … Read more

Film Review

Movie: Watch ONE of the following films: Yo la peor de todas (Sor Juana Ins de la Cruz) ( 1995) de Mara Luisa Bemberg. ( LC) and:                 No English subtitles: Zama (2017)  Lucrecia Martel  Epitafio (2015)   Yulene Olaizola &  Rubn Imaz INSTRUCTIONS:  Write a review of ONE of the movies from the list above. The … Read more


 The paper is 6 pages.  Suggested outline: pp.1-3: Comparing Camus and Montaigne  The PDF is from: Robert Zaretsky, A Life Worth Living. (Links to an external site.) Harvard University Press, 2013. pp. 4-5: On Buddhist idea of death and epidemic.  p.6: Conclusion: Comparing Christianity and Buddhism on death and epidemic