Moral Dilemma

(THE ATTACHMENT FILE IS AN ASSAY PROPOSAL FOR THIS ASSEY) This essay is an opportunity for you to engage in more extended analysis and criticism of the areas of ethics that we have covered this far in the course. Your paper should be based on the readings from the course and should demonstrate the following … Read more

short reflection statement

  Write a short reflection statement (350-500 words)  Respond in writing to these items: How, according to Gill, do some philosophers argue that the moral foundations of the medical profession prohibit physicians from assisting in a patients suicide? How does Gill respond? What are the social attitudes toward suicide that Callahan mentions? Do you think … Read more

Gill essay

  In a paragraph (150 words minimum), please respond to ONE of the following questions: After reading the Gill essay, Discuss the logical point made by some opponents of PAS that it is impossible to be better off dead than alive. Even if the logical argument were sound, are there other reasons to claim that … Read more

creative project

  PHIL 1213 Introduction to Ethics Creative Project Assignment: to complete a project that demonstrates your knowledge of philosophies and philosophers studied this semester and that applies those philosophies to your own experiences. You may choose an essay, video, or PowerPoint presentation. Points Possible: 150 Objectives: To demonstrate knowledge of philosophies and philosophers learned in this … Read more


  In a paragraph (150 words minimum), please respond to the following questions: Explain John Stuart Mills theory of higher and lower pleasures: Are there any problems inherent in the theory? Overall, does Mills idea of higher and lower pleasures make sense to you? Why or why not?

Virtuous Person, Virtuous Citizen

  IntroductionEach person owes a duty to himself or herself and to the world to study ethics and to engage in thoughtful debate about what is right, and what is wrong. It is this habit of thinking about and reflecting on ethics that will help you determine the right choices when faced with an ethical … Read more


Its three different question. Each one 6-8 sentences. They are opinions question.. 1.)  How culturally competent are you?  2.) Do you believe that affirmative action programs should be (1) expanded to grant more extensive preferential treatment to minorities, (2) reduced to grant less preferential treatment to minorities, or (3) eliminated?  3.) If a social worker … Read more


 111 Directions: Respond twice in the discussion form. The first response should be your typed researched response with a citation in APA to the question. You must state your reference (where you discovered your answer from after your statement in APA format)  1. Some authors have proposed that systems theory be used as an overarching, unifying … Read more