Philosophy short essay

Epistemology (Knowledge)Is sense experience or reason the main source of human knowledge, or both? Why? Out of the reading, which views on knowledge did you agree with most and why? What can we know and not know about the external world? Be sure to give the reasoning for your answer. 250 to 300 words Read … Read more

Philosophy of Mind – Reading Reflection

Based on the two chapters attached answer the following questions: 1.  What is the issue the author is concerned with and the main point the authors are trying to make about that issue? What are the reasons the authors give for thinking that this point is worth serious consideration? 2.  How do the assigned readings … Read more

reading response

For the reading responses you should address six questions on an assigned reading where each question should be answered in one half-page paragraph. Each response should thus be 3 double-spaced pages (Times New Roman, 12 point font, 1 inch margins) divided into six paragraphs. Each paragraph should include one quote from the text. Quotes should … Read more

Subjectivism in Ethics

   Consider this passage from the Scottish philosopher, David Hume (from A Treatise of Human Nature, 1740): Take any action allowed to be vicious: Willful murder, for instance. Examine it in all lights, and see if you can find that matter of fact, or real existence, which you call vice. In whichever way you take … Read more

Philosophy 4

  Kierkegaard, Fear and Trembling (1843), Ethics and Faith  Answer one of the following questions in 100 words based on the reading giving to you. 1.  What is Faith for Kierkegaard? And how does he see faith in relation to Ethics? (Try to find examples from the text. And also, tell me in your own … Read more

Writing Assignment

In Sensations and Brain Processes J.J.C. Smart considers the following objection to the identity thesis: I can imagine myself turned to stone and yet having images, aches, pains, and so on (152). In her essay In Defense of Mind-Body-Dualism, Brie Gertler transforms this objection into an argument for dualism. In a double-spaced, 750-word paper, explain: … Read more


Required ResourcesRead/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Chapters 9, 10 Lesson Minimum of 5 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook) InstructionsFirst, return to your topic chosen in the week three assignment. Answer this question: What are the personal and/or communal ethical factors that may be involved in determining the moral position of … Read more

If moral reasoning is largely about providing good reasons for moral claims, where do feelings enter the picture? Is it possible to present a logical argument that you feel strongly about? If so, provide an example of such an argument.

  After reading all of Chapter 3 (doing ethics 5th edition), please utilize the ideas, concepts, and information in the chapter to answer the following question in 250-500 words: If moral reasoning is largely about providing good reasons for moral claims, where do feelings enter the picture? Is it possible to present a logical argument … Read more


Westermarck writes, “a theory which leads to an examination of the psychological and historical origin of people’s moral opinions should be more useful than a theory which postulates moral truths enunciated by self-evident intuitions that are unchangeable”. Agree or disagree and give your reasons.