
Cause/Effect Assignment & Rubric Page 1 of 2
English 101
Cause/Effect Essay
Write a well-developed cause/effect or causal analysis essay. Your essay may focus on causes, effects, or both.
Your essay should have a clear introduction with thesis statement, well-developed body, and conclusion that
brings closure to the essay. You should have some type of pattern for your details/examples, and you should use
transitions for cohesion. This essay is worth 150 points.
This essay requires research. In addition to your own experience, you must have support from a minimum of
three (maximum of five) sources from the UMES academic databases or other sources identified as credible by
your instructor. Your instructor will schedule an orientation at the Frederick Douglass Library or will conduct
his/her own orientation using the projection computer. Your sources must be cited in correct MLA format.
750-1,000 words
Your essay must be in correct MLA format. (For a refresher on MLA format, consult this resource:
Use the Word Count tool to determine the number of words. At the end of your paper, skip a line and then type
the following:
Word count: xxx words
You MUST submit your essay electronically in the Canvas Assignment as a Microsoft Word file.
Possible Topics
You are not limited to the topics below. Always get your topic approved by your instructor.

 Causes / effects of a certain habit
 Causes / effects of a certain skill
 Causes / effects of a certain hobby
 Causes / effects of certain interpersonal relationships
 Causes / effects of a certain type of music (or of another art form)
OR select a cause/effect topic associated with your major, such as the impact of diet or certain foods if your major
is Nutrition.
Cause/Effect Assignment & Rubric Page 2 of 2
Rubric for Cause/Effect Essay (150 pts.)
Criteria Score
Introduction Content (15 points)
Excellent 14-15; Good 12-13; Satisfactory 11; Poor 9-10; Failing 0-8
1. The introduction effectively hooks the reader, establishes the purpose and importance of the topic, and
provides any necessary background to effectively set up the thesis.
2. The thesis is at the end of the introduction, clearly expresses the main idea of the essay, makes a
significant point about the topic, and presents a plan of development for sub-topics.
Body Content (25 points)
Excellent 23-25; Good 20-22; Satisfactory 18-19; Poor 15-17; Failing 0-14
1. The paper meets the length requirement, and the word count is at the bottom of the paper.
2. Each body paragraph is supported with concrete, specific, relevant and ample support related to the
topic sentence.
Conclusion Content (10 points)
Excellent 9-10; Good 8; Satisfactory 7; Poor 6; Failing 0-5
1. The essay contains an appropriate and adequately developed conclusion that brings closure to the
2. The conclusion restates the thesis, briefly summarizes the main points of the essay, and presents an
implication (or so-what).
Organization (15 points)
Excellent 14-15; Good 12-13; Satisfactory 11; Poor 9-10; Failing 0-8
1. Each paragraph begins with a clear topic sentence that indicates the sub-topic being addressed in that
2. Paragraphs are arranged in a logical order.
3. Appropriate transitions are used both within paragraphs and between paragraphs to show logical
connections between ideas.
4. Paragraphs are unified: every sentence clearly supports the topic sentence.
5. Paragraphs are coherent: the sentences flow clearly and logically from one to another.
Style/Grammar/Punctuation/Mechanics (25 points)
Excellent 23-25; Good 20-22; Satisfactory 18-19; Poor 15-17; Failing 0-14
1. Essay is written in first or third-person point of view, and second-person (you) is avoided.
2. Sentences are clear, coherent, and unambiguous. There are no missing words and/or awkward
3. The paper is relatively free of distracting errors in grammar, punctuation and spelling.
4. Word choice is effective and appropriate for a college essay. Language is precise.
5. There is clarity of thought and expression in the essay.
MLA Format (10 points)
Excellent 9-10; Good 8; Satisfactory 7; Poor 6; Failing 0-5
1. Essay is in readable 11 or 12-pt. font.
2. Essay is left-aligned.
3. Essay has 1-inch margins.
4. Essay has correct MLA heading on 1st page.
5. Essay has a centered, meaningful title in title-style capitalization below the heading.
6. Essay has correct MLA header, created using “insert header,” on pages after the first.
7. Essay has correct word count one line below the last line.
MLA Use of Sources (50 points)
Excellent 45-50; Good 40-44; Satisfactory 35-39; Poor 30-34; Failing 0-29
1. All material from sources is cited both in text and on the Works Cited page.
2. Quotations and other source materials are well integrated, introduced, and explained.
3. Quotations and other source materials clearly support the subject matter being addressed they are
relevant and significant.
4. Quotations and other source materials are accurately and correctly cited within the body of the paper.
5. The Works Cited page is correctly formatted and complete.
NOTE: Plagiarism will cause you to receive a zero on the paper.