Celebrate Recovery

Celebrate Recovery Group Reflection Paper

4-6 pages

Students will attend a Celebrate Recovery Group and complete the following assignment.

The student will write a paper reflecting on the experience in the support group including the type of group attended, content of the meeting, and an assessment of the experience. Students will also describe their thoughts about how helpful the group was to the members of the group.

Heading & Instructions Feedback Points Earned Points Possible

Provide details on the meeting you attended including name, location, date, and time of the group. Give a brief statement describing what you will cover in the paper.

Recovery Group Description

Use relevant print and online resources to describe the Celebrate Recovery group model. Use this section to give the reader a good understand of what this recovery groups is about.

Reactions to the Meeting

You will need to think critically about your experience at the meeting. Here are just some questions to consider: how accessible was the meeting? What did the facility look/feel like? How were you received? How was the meeting organized? Was there a leader? How ethnically/racially diverse were the attendees? How was faith integrated into the meeting? Imagine that you were in need ofrecovery support. Would this be a treatment model you would feel comfortable accessing?

Suggestions & Conclusion

Summarize the main points of the paper. Offer suggestions that the recovering group might incorporate to improve the experience for members. Be specific about changes that could be made.

*Organization & References

Use the headings provided in this rubric and present organized sentences and paragraphs. All sentences are well constructed and have varied structure and length. No errors in

grammar, mechanics, and/or spelling.

APA style formatting

At least 6 research articles must be referenced
