Paper uploaded. Must use the uploaded paper for references. No external material
Deadline Date: April 17th
Format: Times New Roman, 12″ font, double spaced, saved as word document
Length: 750-800 words (be concise!)
After reading the article assigned to your particular conflict, write a short “guide to understanding the conflict” for an audience not familiar with South Asia. In it, make sure to highlight the following:
- Provide historical context for the conflict
- Identify the key groups involved and their demands
- Explain how political forces have manipulated social differences to foment conflict
- Make sure to correctly reference the article you read for your selected conflict.
- Do not cite material external to the class
- Do not make a reference list at the end of the paper – only in-text citations
- Do not cite lectures
- You need to cite the author, year of publication and page number for in-text citations; for example (Reddy 2010, 133).