Chapter 8 & 9


What incentives influence firms to use international strategies?


What are the three basic benefits firms can gain by successfully implementing an international strategy?


What four factors are determinants of national advantage and serve as a basis for international business-level strategies?


What are the three international corporate-level strategies? What are the advantages and disadvantages associated with these strategies?


What are some global environmental trends affecting the choice of international strategies, particularly international corporate-level strategies?


What five entry modes do firms use to enter international markets? What is the typical sequence in which firms use these entry modes?


What are political risks and what are economic risks? How should firms deal with these risks?


What are the strategic competitiveness outcomes firms can achieve through international strategies, and particularly through an international diversification strategy?


What are two important issues that can potentially affect a firm’s ability to successfully use international strategies?


Chapter 9


What incentives influence firms to use international strategies?


What are the three basic benefits firms can gain by successfully implementing an international strategy?


What four factors are determinants of national advantage and serve as a basis for international business-level strategies?


What are the three international corporate-level strategies? What are the advantages and disadvantages associated with these strategies?


What are some global environmental trends affecting the choice of international strategies, particularly international corporate-level strategies?


What five entry modes do firms use to enter international markets? What is the typical sequence in which firms use these entry modes?


What are political risks and what are economic risks? How should firms deal with these risks?


What are the strategic competitiveness outcomes firms can achieve through international strategies, and particularly through an international diversification strategy?


What are two important issues that can potentially affect a firm’s ability to successfully use international strategies?

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