Child Hood Obesity

Complete the following assignment and upload the document to the assignment portal.  There are 4 questions to complete


Celine’s parents are concerned about their daughter’s weight.

Although neither of her parents is overweight, 9-year-old Celine, whom they adopted 2 years ago, weighs about 30 percent more than the average girl of her age and height.

“We just can’t understand it,” they lament. “She’s tried several diets and still can’t lose weight! She’s so upset that all she does is mope around the house all day. What can we do to help our daughter?”

To advise Celine’s parents, you obviously need more information. Your task in this exercise is twofold. First, generate a list of questions you might ask to help pinpoint the cause(s) of Celine’s weight problem.

Each question should focus on a specific biological, social, or behavioral influence that might cause obesity.

Then, for each question, explain how the answer will help you determine the cause of Celine’s weight problem and what you might recommend as a result.

To help you get started, one question is provided – complete the reason for asking and recommendation for Question #1 also.


Question 1:BEHAVIORAL: How many hours of television does Celine watch each day?

Reason for asking:


Question 2:

Reason for asking:


Question 3:

Reason for asking:


Question 4:

Reason for asking:



One area of concern for children in middle childhood is obesity. This week’s chapter discusses this problem which has been a topic in the scientific, medical, educational, and family arenas for several years now.  Below you will find recent statistics from the United States Center for Disease Control specific to childhood obesity.

Prevalence of Childhood Obesity in the United States

Childhood obesity is a serious problem in the United States, putting children and adolescents at risk for poor health. Obesity prevalence among children and adolescents is still too high.

For children and adolescents aged 2-19 years1:

  • The prevalence of obesity was 18.5%. About 13.7 million children and adolescents had obesity.
  • Obesity prevalence was 13.9% among 2- to 5-year-olds, 18.4% among 6- to 11-year-olds, and 20.6% among 12- to 19-year-olds.
  • Childhood obesity is more common among certain populations.
    • Hispanic (25.8%) and non-Hispanic Black children (22.0%) had higher obesity prevalence than non-Hispanic White children (14.1%).
    • Non-Hispanic Asian children (11.0%) had lower obesity prevalence than non-Hispanic Blacks and Hispanic children

      Source: CDC Childhood Obesity Facts


Now that you have read and reviewed the material in Chapter 7, take your learning a step further by testing your critical thinking skills on this practical problem-solving exercise.

Attached is a case scenario about a child named, Celine.  Celine’s weight is cause for concern for her family.  The assignment requires you to provide questions, reasoning, and recommendations for the family to assist in helping Celine reach a healthy weight.

Celine Case Study and Assignment Due

Download Celine Case Study and Assignment Due – click the link to download the document required to complete this assignment.

Completed Assignments will be upload and only the following formats are accepted: .doc, .docx, .pdf.  If you have a different type of document, you need to convert it to one of these before you can turn it in

Completion of assignment does not guarantee full points earned. Points are awarded on content, completion as assigned, grammar, spelling, etc.

Middle Childhood – Obesity (Celine)

Middle Childhood – Obesity (Celine)
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Question #1: Biological, Social, or Behavioral Influence? The question is related directly to Celine’s case. Does the answer to the question will help in determining a possible cause of Celine’s weight problem AND a recommendation for further assistance for the family.
3.75 to >2.0 pts


The answer to the prompt is relevant and completed as assigned. The answer is well written, thoughtful, and clear/concise. 3-4 points possible

2 to >0.0 pts


The answer to the prompt is partially relevant and/or partially completed as assigned. The answer is generally well written, thoughtful, and clear/concise. 1-2 points possible

0 pts

Below Average or Missing:

Not relevant or does not answer the prompt as instructed. Missing relevant information or incomplete. 0-1 points possible

3.75 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Question #2: Biological, Social, or Behavioral Influence? The question is related directly to Celine’s case. Does the answer to the question will help in determining a possible cause of Celine’s weight problem AND a recommendation for further assistance for the family.
3.75 to >2.0 pts


The answer to the prompt is relevant and completed as assigned. The answer is well written, thoughtful, and clear/concise. 3-4 points possible

2 to >0.0 pts


The answer to the prompt is partially relevant and/or partially completed as assigned. The answer is generally well written, thoughtful, and clear/concise. 1-2 points possible

0 pts

Below Average of Missing

Not relevant or does not answer the prompt as instructed. Missing relevant information or incomplete. 0-1 points possible

3.75 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Question #3: Biological, Social, or Behavioral Influence? The question is related directly to Celine’s case. Does the answer to the question will help in determining a possible cause of Celine’s weight problem AND a recommendation for further assistance for the family.
3.75 to >2.0 pts


The answer to the prompt is relevant and completed as assigned. The answer is well written, thoughtful, and clear/concise. 3-4 points possible

2 to >0.0 pts


The answer to the prompt is partially relevant and/or partially completed as assigned. The answer is generally well written, thoughtful, and clear/concise. 1-2 points possible

0 pts

Below Average or Missing

Not relevant or does not answer the prompt as instructed. Missing relevant information or incomplete. 0-1 points possible

3.75 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Question #4: Biological, Social, or Behavioral Influence? The question is related directly to Celine’s case. Does the answer to the question will help in determining a possible cause of Celine’s weight problem AND a recommendation for further assistance for the family.
3.75 to >2.0 pts


The answer to the prompt is relevant and completed as assigned. The answer is well written, thoughtful, and clear/concise. 3-4 points possible

2 to >0.0 pts


The answer to the prompt is partially relevant and/or partially completed as assigned. The answer is generally well written, thoughtful, and clear/concise. 1-2 points possible

0 pts

Below Average or Missing

Not relevant or does not answer the prompt as instructed. Missing relevant information or incomplete. 0-1 points possible

3.75 pts
Total Points: 15