CL3001: Culture As Context: Explain How Culture Provides A Critical Context For Children’s Growth And Development. .

CL3002: Policies that Support Culturally Responsive Early Childhood Settings: Analyze how current policy issues and trends impact early childhood settings and the diverse populations of children and families they serve.


Written Response Submission Form

Your Name: First and last

Your E-Mail Address:Your e-mail here


Write your responses where it reads “Enter your response here.” Write as much as needed to satisfy the requirements indicated. Each item contains the Rubric, which will be used to evaluate your responses.


At the end of the template, you will list the references you used to support your responses.








You are a director of a preschool center, where the majority of children and families served currently live below the poverty threshold. In a team meeting about a child named Aidan—who has challenging behaviors, such as kicking and biting—you hear one of the teachers, Mr. Paul, say, “I think Aidan’s behavior stems from a lack of attention and positive interactions at home.” Everyone on the team shares the knowledge that Aidan lives in poverty and comes from a single-parent home. The team is also aware the Aidan’s father not only works two jobs, but has shared that he struggles with depression. Use this scenario for Items 1 and 2.

Item 1

Explain to Mr. Paul how the context of Aidan’s development, including that he is experiencing poverty and his father is under stress, may impact Aidan’s development and learning. (1–2 paragraphs)

Your Response

Enter your response here.



Not Present


Needs Improvement


Meets Expectations

Topic 1: Supporting Child and Family Diversity
Explain to Mr. Paul how the context of Aidan’s development, including that he is experiencing poverty and his father is under stress, may impact Aiden’s development and learning.

LO1: Explain possible impacts of poverty and parental stress on children’s development and learning.

Response is missing. Response is vague, inaccurate, and/or incomplete. Response is clear, accurate, and complete.


Item 2

Draft a response to Mr. Paulthat is culturally responsive, supports building respectful relationships with families, and reflects viewing children and families from a strength-based lens. (1–2 paragraphs)

Your Response

Enter your response here.



Not Present


Needs Improvement


Meets Expectations

Topic 1: Supporting Child and Family Diversity
Draft a response to Mr. Paul’s that is culturally responsive, supports building respectful relationships with families, and reflects viewing children and families from a strength-based lens.

LO2: Apply culturally-responsive, strength-based approacheswithin early childhood contexts.

Response is missing. Response is vague, inaccurate, and/or incomplete. Response is clear, accurate, and complete.


You are a childcare provider and teach in an inclusive classroom that serves children with and without exceptionalities. One of the children, Anna, who has been identified with an Intellectual Disability, is extremely social and has many friends in the class. She has recently become close with Kayla, who is a very shy child but interacts animatedly when she is playing or working with Anna. One day Kayla comes to school with birthday invitations for three of her classmates. You notice that Anna does not receive an invitation. When Kayla’s mother comes to pick her up, you inquire about the birthday invitation, mentioning how close Kayla and Anna have become. Kayla’s mother frowns and expresses concern that Kayla’s emerging social skills will regress if she spends too much time with Anna. She explains that in her home country, children with exceptionalities are not often seen in school.

Item 3

Draft a response to Kayla’s mother that reframes her concerns about Anna and Kayla’s relationship into one that emphasizes a strength-based view of young children and their interactions. (1 paragraph)

Your Response

Enter your response here.



Not Present


Needs Improvement


Meets Expectations

Topic 1: Supporting Child and Family Diversity
Draft a response to Kayla’s mother that reframes her concerns about Anna and Kayla’s relationship into one that emphasizes a strength-based view of young children and their interactions.

LO2: Apply culturally-responsive, strength-based approaches within early childhood contexts.

Response is missing. Response is vague, inaccurate, and/or incomplete. Response is clear, accurate, and complete.



Yourfirst gradeclass is very diverse, and many of the children are learning English. Their families have immigrated from Mexico, Guatemala, South Korea, and Pakistan. Your dual-language approach has proven very successful for all of your young learners, and the newest child, Yosung, appears to be thriving. However, Yosung’s mother, Song Mi, has requested that Yosung speak and learn only English at school.She has heard that full immersion programs are more beneficial for children learning English. Song Mi, is concerned with her child’s assimilation into the United States, fears his speaking Korean will be detrimental to his ability to “fit in.” This is particularly concerning to her as she has struggled in her own mastery of the English language, and feels that she has experienced bias because of these challenges. You set up a meeting to speak with Song Mi.

Item 4

Using a strengths-based approach, address Song Mi’s concerns about her son’s language development by describing at least two benefits of dual language development for young children. (1 paragraph)

Your Response

Enter your response here.



Not Present


Needs Improvement


Meets Expectations

Topic 1: Supporting Child and Family Diversity
Using a strengths-based approach, address Song Mi’s concerns about her son’s language development by describingat least two benefits of dual language development for young children.

LO3: Apply a strengths-based approach to explain the benefits of dual language development for young children.


Response is missing. Response is vague, inaccurate, and/or incomplete. Response is clear, accurate, and complete.



Item 5


Explain at least 2 evidence-based reasons supporting high-quality inclusion for children with and without exceptionalities. (1–2 paragraphs)

Your Response

Enter your response here.



Not Present


Needs Improvement


Meets Expectations

Topic 2: Policies and Practices Designed to Support Diverse Child and Family Populations
Explain at least 2 evidence-based reasons supporting high-quality inclusion for children with and without exceptionalities.

LO1: Explain research supporting high-quality inclusion for children with and without exceptionalities.


Response is missing. Response is vague, inaccurate, and/or incomplete. Response is clear, accurate, and complete.






Item 6

Eun Yung, a first-time single mother who just graduated from high school, is currently looking for a job in hospitality. Her daughter, Janie, is 9 months old. Eun Yung confides to you that, although she absolutely loves being a mother, she is overwhelmed. The job search is discouraging, she is living far below the poverty line, and she is concerned that she is not providing for Janie in the ways she would like, which may impact her daughter’s future negatively.

Explain two culturally responsive early childhood program policies and/or practices that would support families in this type of situation. (1–2 paragraphs for each response)


Your Response

Enter your response here.



Not Present


Needs Improvement


Meets Expectations

Topic 2: Program Policies and Practices Designed to Support Diverse Child and Family Populations
Explain two culturally responsive early childhood program policies and/or practices that would support families in this type of situation.

LO2; Explain culturally responsive early childhood program policies and/or practices responsive to the unique needs of children and families.

Response is missing. Response is vague, inaccurate, and/or incomplete. Response is clear, accurate, and complete.

Item 7

Emilia and Juan have recently emigrated to the United States from Mexico and currently are learning English. They have two adorable 3-year-old twins, Enrique and Carlos. They explain to you that they are concerned about both of their boys for several reasons. First, they cannot afford to send them to the daycare center near their home and, while Carlos is achieving many developmental milestones, including speaking Spanish, Enrique has yet to achieve the same. Enrique often exhibits challenging behavior, such as screaming and running away from them. They are not sure what to do to help Enrique and to ensure that their boys learn English before sending them to kindergarten.


Explain two culturally responsive early childhood program policies and/or practices that would support the family described in this scenario. (1–2 paragraphs)


Your Response

Enter your response here.



Not Present


Needs Improvement


Meets Expectations

Topic 2: Program Policies and Practices Designed to Support Diverse Child and Family Populations
Explain two culturally responsive early childhood program policies and/or practices that would support the family in this scenario

LO2: Explain culturally responsive, early childhood program policies and/or practices that are responsive to the unique needs of children and families.

Response is missing. Response is vague, inaccurate, and/or incomplete. Response is clear, accurate, and complete.


You are an early childhood education advocate in a rural community in Maine, where many residents struggle with access to resources. In recent discussions with several of the community’s early childhood program directors, you have learned that enrollment is very low, even though there are many state policies and funding streams in place that support access to quality early care and education.You decide to hold a community meeting to share much needed information. Use this scenario for Items 9 and 10.

Item 8

Explain at least 2 positive, long-term impacts high-quality preschools can have on young children, families, and communities determined by longitudinal research studies. (1–2 paragraphs).

Your Response

Enter your response here.



Not Present


Needs Improvement


Meets Expectations

Topic 3: Impact of Trends and Policies on Early Childhood Settings
Explain at least 2 positive, long-term impacts high-quality preschools can have on young children, families, and communities determined by longitudinal research studies.

LO1: Explain research that evidences how early childhood programs support healthy development and learning for young children and benefit families and communities.

Response is missing. Response is vague, inaccurate, and/or incomplete. Response is clear, accurate, and complete.


Item 9

You are a preschool director whose program includes many families who are immigrants and speak languages other than English in their homes. The policies and practices within your program are culturally and linguistically responsive, and your goal is to meaningfully engage families as partners in their children’s education. You are hosting a family night soon and want to highlight the importance of culturally and linguistically responsive programming.


Explain at least 2 key pointsyou want to communicate to the families. (1–2 paragraphs).

Your Response

Enter your response here.



Not Present


Needs Improvement


Meets Expectations

Topic 3: Impact of Trends and Policies on Early Childhood Settings
Explain at least 2 key pointsyou want to communicate to the families.


LO2:Explain benefits of culturally and linguistically responsive programming.



Response is missing. Response is vague, inaccurate, and/or incomplete. Response is clear, accurate, and complete.


Item 10

You are the director of an inclusive preschool serving children with and without disabilities. You want to share your vision of high-quality early childhood inclusion with your teachers, families, and the community. Explain how the threeNAEYC/DEC defining features of high-quality early childhood inclusioninfluence quality inclusive programming in early childhood settings. (2–3 paragraphs)

Your Response

Enter your response here.



Not Present


Needs Improvement


Meets Expectations

Topic 3: Impact of Trends and Policies on Early Childhood Settings
Explain how the three NAEYC/DEC defining features of high-quality early childhood inclusion influence quality inclusive programming in early childhood settings.

LO3: Explain how the NAEYC/DEC defining features of high-quality early childhood inclusion influence qualityinclusive programming in early childhood settings.

Response is missing. Response is vague, inaccurate, and/or incomplete. Response is clear, accurate, and complete.




Provide a citation for eachresourceyouused to writeyourresponse to thisAssessment. A sample citation isprovidedbelow :

  • Robertson, C. (2016). Safety, nutrition, & health in early education (6th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.


Mastery Rubric

In order to achieve mastery of this Competency, you must achieve a “2” on every rubric row in addition to meeting the additional expectation indicated in the Mastery Rubric.


Exceeds Expectations: In-Depth Analysis:  Explores issues through analysis of evidence that results in informed judgments.
LO1: Analyze multiple, relevant sources to identify the importance of policy and trends on practices supporting diverse populations of young children and their families within early childhood settings. Responses to the items synthesizes information from multiple, relevant sources to demonstrate a thorough understanding of the relationship between policies and trends and practices supporting diverse populations of children and families within early childhood settings.



Professional Skill Building


The faculty Assessor will provide feedback based on the following Professional Skill:  Written and Oral Communication.  Although the feedback is here to inform the development of your skills, it is not a barrier to achieving the Competency, unless the writing is too poor to be able to score the content of the Assessment. Review the rubric and check your work based on the learning objectives listed. If you are concerned that you will not meet these expectations yet, reach out to your Coach so he or she can work with you to further develop this important professional skill.


It is highly recommended that you use this opportunity to practice this important skill in the context of this Competency Assessment in order to receive feedback about your current level of proficiency.



Written Communication: Write with clarity, coherence, and purpose.

Not Present


Needs Improvement


Meets Expectations

LO1: Construct complete and correct sentences (AWE 2; Sentence Level Skills) Sentences are incoherent and impede reader’s access to ideas. Sentences are incomplete and/or include fragments and run-on sentences, limitingreader’s access to ideas. Sentences structure effectively conveys meaning to the reader.
LO2: Demonstrate the effective use of grammar and mechanics. (AWE 2; Sentence Level Skills) Multiple inaccuracies in grammar and mechanics impede reader’s access to ideas. Some inaccuracies in grammar and mechanics limit reader’s access to ideas. Use of grammar and mechanics is straightforward and effectively conveys meaning to reader.
LO3: Create cohesive paragraphs with a clear central idea. (AWE 2; Paragraph Level Skills) Paragraphs, or lack of paragraphs, impede reader’s access to ideas. Construction of main idea and/or supporting paragraphs limit reader’s access to ideas. Main idea and/or supporting paragraphs effectively convey meaning to reader.
LO4: Use supporting material to support a claim. (AWE 2; Use of Evidence) Supporting materials are not present. Supporting material is used inconsistently or inappropriately. Supporting material is used to enhance meaning. Writing is appropriately paraphrased and uses direct quotes as applicable.



LO6: Identify sources (AWE 2; Credit to source) Sources are missing. Writing inconsistently identifies or misrepresents sources. Writing clearly identifies the source of nonoriginal material and/or ideas.