
Instructions: After reading the assigned case study, answer the questions below. Your answers can be in bullet point form. There is no page length requirement for these questions. You should explain your answers with enough detail to demonstrate your understanding of the case study and the course material (i.e., your answers should be more than just a few words).

What is the major overriding issue in this case?

  • In order words, what major question or issue does this case address that merits its study in this course and in connection with the chapter or material you are now covering?
  • Some things to consider:
    • a) Have the basic problem(s) been identified or are these symptoms?
    • b) If more than one problem presents itself in the case, have I selected the most important issue?
    • c) Am I putting myself in the manager’s shoes and looking toward future actions?

What are the 3-5 most important facts of the case or points to consider in relation to the problem?

  • Present a brief listing of the key facts. Do not rehash the case, just identify the key facts.

What topics from class are most relevant to this case and why?

  • Present a brief explanation of the topics from the class that are most relevant to this case. Be specific.