I need the following discussion questions answered in 150 words each. Please provide references with each DQ question.



When is training a good answer to an organizational problem? When might it not be the best answer?


What are some of the historical developments (in terms of models of approaches to training) in the field of Training and Development? How did the field originate/evolve? Think about how new technologies have shaped training models/approaches?


Read Chapter 2 in The Trainer’s Handbook.

Read “Where Companies Go Wrong With Learning and Development,” by Glaveski, from Harvard Business Review Digital Article (2019)

Read “Making Sure the Solutions Are the Right Ones:Training Needs Analysis,” by Martin, from Training and Development in Australia (2009).

Read “Know When Training Is the Right Solution,” by Bennett, from Strategic HR Review (2011).

Read “Life-Span Learning and Development and Its Implications for Workplace Training,” by Beier, from Current Directions in Psychological Science (2021).

Read “Workplace Training in the Age of AI,” by Lowe, from Boston Review (2021)

Read “An Adult Learner’s Learning Style Should Inform But Not Limit Educational Choices,” by Barry & Egan, from International Review of Education (2018).



Think of or find an example of a communication problem in an organization. What could possibly be an intervention that could be employed to solve or help reduce that communication problem? What makes you think this intervention would be a good choice?


What would you do if you knew that the training you have been asked to develop and/or deliver is not going to resolve the performance problem it is supposed to resolve? What could you do to convince management to reevaluate the training needs?


Read Chapter 1 in The Trainer’s Handbook.

Read “Conducting a Needs Assessment,” from the USDA website.

Read “From Needs Assessment to Needs Analysis,” by Christensen, from Performance Improvement (2018).

Read the “Statement on the Integration of Faith and Work” from Grand Canyon University’s One Foundation (2015) in preparation for assignments and discussion questions.

Read “User Needs Analysis and Development of Priorities for Life Cycle Impact Assessment,” by Stewart & Jolliet, from The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (2004). 

Read “Training Needs Assessment of Health Care Professionals in a Developing Country: The Example of Saint Lucia,” by Gaspard & Che-Ming, from BMC Medical Education (2016).

Read “Problem-Based Learning: A Viable Approach in Leadership Development?” by Yeo, from The Journal of Management Development (2007).



Provide a poorly written objective for a training session. Why is this objective poorly written? How can poorly written objectives derail the effectiveness of your training? Next, write an effective objective to be used in a training session. What strategies can you use to ensure you create effective objectives?


Provide an example of a knowledge objective and a skill objective. What are the differences between these types of objectives?


Read Chapters 3, 4, and 5 in The Trainer’s Handbook.

Read “Tips for Writing Effective Learning Objectives,” from Communique (2019).

Read “Design of Learning Objects for Concept Learning: Effects of Multimedia Learning Principles and an Instructional Approach,” by Chiu and Churchill, from Interactive Learning Environments (2015).

Read “Objectives that Students Understand,” by Marzano, from Educational Leadership (2011).

Read “Examination of the Teaching Styles of Nursing Professional Development Specialists, Part I: Best Practices in Adult Learning Theory, Curriculum Development, and Knowledge Transfer,” by Curran, from The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing (2014).

Read “How Can We Align Learning Objectives, Instructional Strategies, and Assessments?,” by Kurt, from Educational Technology (2020).

Read “Learning Eye to Eye: Aligning Training to Business Objectives,” by Biech, from the Association for Talent Development website.



During your first training session, one of the participants is not particularly happy at having to attend the training, specifically voicing that it is clearly a waste of time. How does this behavior affect other participants? What can you do to prepare for instances such as this?


During another training session, a participant continually asks questions that are sometimes tangential to the training content. How does this behavior affect the ability to deliver the training effectively? How can a facilitator best handle this situation?



List applications or types of technology/mobile training programs that can be customized for differing employee development learning paths. Explain why these examples you listed can be effective.


What are some things that you can do to ensure you are effectively using technology-related presentation aids?



List three suitable methods or media to deliver a face-to-face training session. Explain why these examples would be effective. Do you think that lecture is a suitable method/medium to deliver most face-to-face training? Why or why not?

Note: This is a reminder to continue working on the Training Session assignment that is due in Topic7. There is no assignment this week so that you can focus on creating the Training Session.


As a trainer, what do you think your greatest challenge would be in managing group discussions? What skills do you need to work on to be a more effective trainer in a group format?



What are some strategies to improve immediacy between the trainer and the participants? Explain why these strategies would be effective.


Discuss some ways to quickly adjust your delivery approach if it became obvious that you were not communicating and connecting well with your audience.


Review Chapter 8 in The Trainer’s Handbook.

Read Chapter 9 in The Trainer’s Handbook.

Read “Safety Training: Enhancing Outcomes Through Virtual Environments,” by Nakayama & Jin, from Professional Safety (2015).

Read “The Importance of Communication and Public-Speaking Skills,” by Parvis, from Journal of Environmental Health (2001).

Read “Global Blended Learning Practices for Teaching and Learning, Leadership, and Professional Development,” by Hilliard, from Journal of International Education Research (2015). 

Use the “COM-472 Technology Tools Guide” to assist you in completing the assignment.



Discuss how the formative and summative evaluations should inform the design and development of your training.


Describe two approaches you could use to evaluate the effectiveness of skill-based (or performance-based) training.