Comparison of Paradigms as Applied to a Research Topic in Human Services


This assignment requires you to compare two social science approaches related to a topic you’ve chosen in Human Services. The focus of this comparison will be concerning how each of the paradigmatic approaches is applied to your research topic or research question of your choosing.

The resulting project will be a critical analysis that evaluates strengths and weaknesses of each approach, explains how these approaches have added to the overall knowledge in the field of inquiry, and compares the two as applied in practice.

Project Requirements

The final project will evaluate the applicability of two perspectives toward addressing your topic. Be certain to address each of the following:

  • Identify your research question or topic.
  • Identify the two theoretical/philosophical approaches that will be applied to your research topic/question, including the major contributors to each approach.
  • Summarize and describe each perspective.
  • Critically evaluate of the applicability of each approach to your research topic/question, identifying and analyzing the strengths, biases, and shortcomings of each, defending your analysis with evidence, logic, and examples from the research literature.
  • In your conclusion, evaluate the theory and accompanying methodology, identify one as preferred or more accepted within the field today, and explain why it is preferred.

Final Paper Writing Requirements:

  • Your paper should be 8-10 pages in length, not including your cover sheet and reference list.
  • Cite at least four credible source