Computer Security Lab


Part 3: Analyzing Malicious Windows Programs (Lab 7.1 from PMA)

Complete all the steps mentioned in the below attached document for part 3 of this project:

Project part 3_ Analyzing Malicious Windows Programs.pdf

Part 4: Analyzing Code Constructs in Malware (Lab 6.1 from PMA)

Part 4 of this project is based on Lab 6-1 in “Practical Malware Analysis” textbook chapter 6.

Based on the knowledge gained in all previous lab assignments, you will have to complete lab 6-1

individually (with minimal or no supervision) by following the instructions given in Lab 6-1 in the

textbook. There are more detailed solutions in the back of the book.

1. Open and analyze the malware found in the file Lab06-01.exe using IDA Pro.

2. Answer all the questions (Q1 to Q3) found in Lab 6-1 in your own words.

3. List all the steps you followed in setting up the software environment and the screenshots captured

while analyzing the malware in IDA Pro (Hint: The steps that you list for Lab 6-1 should be something

similar to the steps that were given to you in all previous lab assignment instructions).

Submission Requirements for all four parts of the project:

Format: Microsoft Word

Font: Arial, 12-Point, Double-Space

Citation Style: APA

Length: Each part should have a minimum of 3 pages. So overall report size should be a minimum

of 6 pages (excluding title page and bibliography).

*******************************************Please read first to see if you can do the job.*********************