Corporate Social Resp

INTL706 Terms of Reference for Team Project 4

Report: 10% of final grade, Video and Power points: 10% of final grade





You are now tasked to develop a final report to company ownership/management that demonstrates:

– your knowledge of the company’s current performance;

– your assessment of the company’s planned future direction;

– your assessment of the marketplace in Canada for similar products and or services; and

– your strategy for the introduction of the product/service into Canada.


Scope of Project:


Your analysis should incorporate all concepts covered in the text that you consider relevant to this research project as well any relevant materials covered in class.


Report Format:

The report should follow the following format:

Title Page

Table of Contents

Purpose of the Report

Content of Report




Bibliography and Citations

Report Considerations:

-In English to a Canadian reader

-all currency to be expressed in Canadian dollars (with the foreign currency in brackets)

-a professional, well-written 10-12 page report following APA standards

-at least 5 peer reviewed research articles and or articles from respected journals and magazines, periodicals published within the past 24 months.


Presentation Format:


A 20 minute MP4 type presentation, ot a Power point video presentation


Action Required:

  1. Submit Completed Report into the e-drop box before the start of the Week 14 class.
  2. Prepare and upload a 20 minute video presentation and power points before the start of the Week 14 class.