Criminal justice

Respond to Lasorda Mcbride post

Based on my recommendations in this exercise I have some things to improve upon.  Of course, I know this to be true.  I was shocked by the emotional results and how I scored. I am in no way surprised by the skeptical results or cautious.  I play out so many scenarios of what could happen before I make a purchase or commitment.  What I learned from the test is that this can be a harmful habit.  If I always plan for a way out I do not actually intend on sticking to the original plan.  This has been very helpful to me as it is the first day of September.   I have a monthly spreadsheet that I update for bills.  I will review it to see if my test results are in play on the spreadsheet.  Lastly, I need to do more research into investing.   At one point I owned Apple stock & At&T but later sold it.  There are so many more options besides a 401k account when it comes to investing now. I just need to explore more strategies to protect and grow my money.  I am looking forward to learning more about finances in this course.