Curricular models and approaches for preschool

Item 1

Planning a developmentally appropriate curriculum is part of a continuous process based on teachers’ daily interactions with students. Review Gestwicki’s Cycle of Planning and California Preschool Curriculum Framework, Volume 1. Based on this information complete the following:

·  Explain Gestwicki’s Cycle of Planning, describing each of the five components and explaining how each component supports all other components.  (3 -4 paragraphs)

·  Discuss the similarities and differences between Gestwicki’s Cycle of Planning and the California Preschool Curriculum Framework, and in particular, the ongoing cycle of observing, documenting, assessing, planning, and implementing curriculum (pages 18 – 26). (3 -4 paragraphs)

Your Response

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Meets Expectations


Exceeds Expectations

Sub-Competency 1: Analyze the components of a developmentally appropriate curriculum and an effective curriculum planning cycle. 

Learning Objective 1.1:

Describe the cycle of curricular planning and how each component supports all other components.

Description of the cycle of curricular planning and how each component part supports all other components is missing. 

Response includes an unclear or incomplete description of the cycle of planning. 

Explanation of how each component part supports all other parts is vague, illogical, or incomplete.

Response describes the cycle of planning and delineates how each of the five component part supports all other components.

Explanation of how each component part supports all other parts is clear, logical, and complete.

The response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:

Response applies the cycle of planning to an authentic preschool environment.

Response includes reference to a relevant academic or professional resource.

Learning Objective 1.2:

Discuss the similarities and differences between Gestwicki’s Cycle of Planning and the California Preschool Curriculum Framework, and in particular, the ongoing cycle of observing, documenting, assessing, planning, and implementing curriculum.

Description of the similarities and differences between Gestwicki’s Cycle of Planning and the California Preschool Curriculum Framework is missing. 

Response vaguely or incorrectly describes similarities and differences between Gestwicki’s Cycle of Planning and the California Preschool Curriculum Framework.

Response includes fewer than two references to Gestwicki’s Cycle of Planning and the California Preschool Curriculum Framework.

Response clearly and accurately describes similarities and differences between Gestwicki’s Cycle of Planning and the California Preschool Curriculum Framework.

Response includes two or more references to Gestwicki and the California Preschool Curriculum Framework.

The response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:

Response explains how a teacher would Gestwicki’s Cycle of Planning or the California Preschool Curriculum Framework ongoing cycle of observing, documenting, assessing, planning, and implementing curriculum authentic preschool environment.

Item 2

Select an area of interest (i.e., gardening, the four seasons, etc.). Compare and contrast how the four approaches to preschool curriculum planning (integrated, thematic, emergent, and project-based) can be used to teach the area of interest you selected. (3-4 paragraphs)

Your Response

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Sub-Competency 2: Identify and describe approaches to preschool curriculum planning.

Learning Objective 2.1:

Compare and contrast the approaches to preschool curriculum planning. 

A comparison of the approaches to preschool curriculum planning is missing.

The response inaccurately compares and contrasts how the five approaches to preschool curriculum planning can be used to teach a specific area of curriculum, or not all five approaches are addressed.

The response accurately compares and contrasts how five approaches to preschool curriculum planning can be used to teach a specific area of curriculum.

The response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:

The response compares and contrasts the approaches using more than one area of interest.

Response includes reference to a relevant academic or professional resource.

Item 3

The learning resources and activities for this Competency discuss six models of curriculum for early childhood education: Montessori, Bank Street, Waldorf, Reggio Emilia, High Scope, and Creative Curriculum. Reflect on the distinguishing features of each model. Then, read the scenario below and identify the curricular model depicted. Provide a rationale for your selection. (2 – 3 paragraphs)


You have been invited to a preschool classroom. Although the students were busy and moving around, the classroom was calm. One group of children was practicing addition using colored beads. Another group was sorting different shapes of beads and counting them into different containers. While walking around the classroom you observe children using utensils to perform tasks such as spooning Jell-O and pouring water. Not only does this activity indirectly help prepare children for handwriting, it prepares them for practical life skills using real not play materials. In a far corner you notice other children engaged in activities that would broaden and refine their sensory impressions.  One child was touching different fabrics; another child was smelling cotton balls moistened with different odors. A third child was playing with boxes that when shaken makes different sounds. Behind them in the far distance, you notice a child building a tower with colored blocks horizontally. The teacher stated he was exploring. You are intrigued with what you saw and would like to implement the approach in your preschool classroom. 

Your Response

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Sub-Competency 3: Describe models of preschool curriculum design.   

Learning Objective 3.1:

Analyze a preschool setting to identify the curricular model being applied.  

The identification of the curriculum model is missing. 

The response inaccurately identifies the curricular model and/or vaguely explains the rationale for selecting the model. 

Response does not include a reference to an academic/professional resource to support the rationale.

The response accurately identifies the curricular model and clearly explains the rationale for selecting the model. 

Response includes a reference to an academic/professional resource to support the rationale.

The response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:

The response identifies how the teacher could apply the model to an authentic preschool setting. 

Response includes a rationale to support how the model could be applied to an authentic preschool classroom.

Item 4

Select three models of curriculum planning (other than the model you identified in Item 3). For each of the three models you selected, write a brief scenario (1-2 paragraphs) that depicts a preschool setting that uses that model. In your scenarios, include details about the environment and activities such that an early childhood professional could distinguish which model is being depicted in each scenario. Your scenarios may be based on preschool settings that you have observed or created. Be sure to identify the model depicted in each of the three scenarios. (3-6 paragraphs total) 

Your Response

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Sub-Competency 3: Describe models of preschool curriculum design.   

Learning Objective 3.2:

Describe preschool settings that reflect different models of curriculum.

Descriptions of preschool settings that reflect different models of curriculum are missing.

The response inaccurately describes preschool settings that reflect three different curricular models or fewer than three models are depicted. 

Response does not include a reference to an academic/professional resource to support the scenarios.

The response accurately describes preschool settings that reflect three different curricular models.

Response includes a reference to an academic/professional resource to support the scenarios.

The response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:

Response includes a scenario depicting a fourth curricular model.