Week 6 is here! Posted on: Sunday, February 12, 2023 11:59:00 PM EST Hello Students. Week 6 is here! There is a connection between chapter three and chapter one in the dissertation writing process. Therefore, as an extension of our week in the mock chapter three from last week, you will write a mock chapter one. It is very important to use and follow the required headings from the University of the Cumberland’s Dissertation Handbook. Click the link in the course … the START HERE tab – Dissertation Resources section – choose Doctoral Research Handbook Have a wonderful week and see you at the LIVE class 7pm central Monday evening. Dr. Babb Week 6 Assignment: Develop a 3-4 page (more is fine) mock chapter one to include the following expectations from the university: Overview (1-2 well developed paragraphs) Background and problem statement (1-2 well developed paragraphs) Purpose of the study (1 well developed paragraph) Significance of the study (1 well developed paragraph) Research Questions (numbered list) Theoretical Framework (1-2 well developed paragraphs) Limitations of the Study (1 short paragraph) Assumptions (1 short paragraph) Definitions (list) Summary (1 well developed paragraph)