Data Analysis


This assignment is a key piece for your side-by-side assignment. For your side-by-side assignment, you will design a lesson based on your analysis of data. This can be a whole group analysis, flexible grouping, or small group.

For this assignment, you will choose your two data sets and explain the results of the data that will be the basis of your lesson. Your data should be from at least two different types of assessments: Diagnostic, formative, summative, ipsative, criterion-referenced, or norm-referenced. Explain the results of the data and how you will use this to be the foundation of your lesson.

Make sure to include the following in your response:

Assessment type 1

Intended standard, skill, or content to be measured

The group you are analyzing (whole group, one class period, a small group)

Results of the assessment (data) for the group you have identified

How this will inform your lesson

Assessment type 2

Intended standard, skill, or content to be measured

The group you are analyzing (whole group, one class period, a small group)

Results of the assessment (data) for the group you have identified

How this will inform your lesson