Database Systems

Read the article and based off your knowledge on NOSQL, answer the following questions

  • Discuss the main characteristics of NOSQL systems in the area related to data models and query languages.
  • Discuss the main characteristics of NOSQL systems in the area related to distributed systems and distributed databases
  • Discuss the CAP theorem – what is this? Which of the three properties (consistency, availability, partition tolerance) are most important in NoSQL systems?

300 words

NoSQL Systems for Big Data Management
Venkat N Gudivada
Weisburg Division of Computer Science
Marshall University
Huntington, WV, USA
[email protected]
Dhana Rao
Biological Sciences Department
Marshall University
Huntington, WV, USA
[email protected]
Vijay V. Raghavan
Center for Advanced Computer Studies
University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Lafayette, LA, USA
[email protected]
Abstract—The advent of Big Data created a need for
out-of-the-box horizontal scalability for data management
systems. This ushered in an array of choices for Big
Data management under the umbrella term NoSQL. In this
paper, we provide a taxonomy and unified perspective
on NoSQL systems. Using this perspective, we compare
and contrast various NoSQL systems using multiple facets
including system architecture, data model, query language,
client API, scalability, and availability. We group current
NoSQL systems into seven broad categories: Key-Value,
Table-type/Column, Document, Graph, Native XML, Native
Object, and Hybrid databases. We also describe application
scenarios for each category to help the reader in choosing
an appropriate NoSQL system for a given application. We
conclude the paper by indicating future research directions.
Keywords-Data Models, NoSQL, NewSQL, Big Data, Graph
Databases, Document Databases, Native XML Databases
I. Introduction
Until recently, relational database management systems (RDBMS) were the mainstay for managing all types
of data irrespective of their naturally fit to the relational
data model. The emergence of Big Data and mobile
computing necessitated new database functionality to
support applications such as real-time logfile analysis,
cross-selling in eCommerce, location based services,
and micro-blogging. Many of these applications exhibit
a preponderance of insert and retrieve operations on a
very large scale. Relational databases were found to be
inadequate in handling the scale and varied structure
of data.
The above requirements ushered in an array of
choices for Big Data management under the umbrella
term NoSQL [1], [2], [3]. NoSQL (meaning ‘not only
SQL’) has come to describe a large class of databases
which do not have properties of traditional relational
databases and are generally not queried with SQL
(structured query language). NoSQL systems provide
data partitioning and replication as built-in features.
They typically run on cluster computers made from
commodity hardware and provide horizontal scalability.
Developing applications using NoSQL systems is
quite different from the process used with RDBMS [4].
NoSQL databases require developer-centric approach
from the application inception to completion. For example, data modeling is done by the application architect
or developer, whereas in RDBMS based applications,
data architects and data modelers complete the data
modeling tasks. They begin by constructing conceptual
and logical data models. Database transactions and
queries come into play only in the design of a physical database. In contrast, NoSQL database approaches
begin by identifying application queries and structure
the data model to efficiently support these queries. In
other words, there is a strong coupling between the
data model and application queries. Any changes to the
queries will necessitate changes to the data model. This
approach is in stark contrast to the time-tested RDBMS
principles of logical and physical data independence.
Traditionally, data is viewed as a strategic and shared
corporate resource with well established policies and
procedures for data governance and quality control. In
contrast, NoSQL systems promote data silos, each silo
geared towards meeting the performance and scalability
requirements of just one or more applications. This
runs against the ethos of enterprise data integration,
redundancy control, and integrity constraints [5].
Given the above backdrop, following are the contributions of this paper. We provide a taxonomy and unified
perspective to help the reader understand the functionality, strengths and limitations of NoSQL databases.
Using this perspective, we compare and contrast various NoSQL systems using multiple facets which include
system architecture, data model, query language, client
API, scalability, and availability. We group the current
NoSQL systems into seven broad categories: Key-Value,
Table-type/Columnar, Document, Graph, Native XML,
Native Object, and Hybrid databases. Members of these
categories are not always disjoint, with some systems
falling into more than one category. We also describe
application scenarios for each category to help the
reader choose an appropriate NoSQL system for a given
application. We conclude the paper by indicating future
research direction.
We begin with a discussion of the principal features
2014 IEEE 10th World Congress on Services
978-1-4799-5069-0/14 $31.00 © 2014 IEEE
DOI 10.1109/SERVICES.2014.42
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of NoSQL systems (section II). In section III, we describe
concepts that are essential to understanding NoSQL
systems from both a technical standpoint and business
perspective. Sections IV through X describe the classes
of NoSQL systems along with their application scenarios. Section XI concludes the paper.
II. Principal Features of NoSQL
The need for NoSQL database solutions primarily
emanated from the requirements of eCommerce, mobile
computing and location based services, Web services,
and social media applications. eCommerce applications
require predictive analytics, personalization, dynamic
pricing, superior customer service, fraud and anomaly
detection, real-time order status through supply chain
visibility, and Web server access log analysis. All of
the above functions are characterized by massive data
which need to be fused from multiple sources and
processed in real-time.
A. Big Data Characteristics
Data that is too big and complex to capture, store,
process, analyze, and interpret using the state-of-theart tools and methods is referred to as Big Data. It
is characterized by five Vs: Volume, Velocity, Variety,
Value, and Veracity. Data size (Volume) is in the order
of terabytes or even petabytes, and is rapidly heading
towards exabytes. Velocity refers to the speed at which
the data is generated. Enterprise Big Data is typically
heterogeneous (Variety) and is comprised of structured,
semi-structured, and unstructured data. Value refers
to extracting useful and actionable information from
massive data sets. Due to diversity in sources and evolution of data through intermediate processing, issues
of security, privacy, trust, and accountability need to be
addressed using secure data provenance (Veracity).
B. Flexible Data Models
All RDBMS databases are based on the relational data
model. In contrast, each class of NoSQL system employs
a different data model. NoSQL data models inherently
support horizontal data partitioning across processors
in a cluster or even processors across data centers.
RDBMS applications typically work with fixed
database schema, though the schema may evolve
slowly. Schema change is a well managed activity and
the application goes through rigorous software testing.
In contrast, many NoSQL systems treat schema as a construct that inherently evolves over time. These systems
also require schema that allows great variation in row
data without incurring the NULL value problems.
A NoSQL data model closely reflects an individual
application need rather than needs of several applications. The data model naturally mirrors the way a
subject matter expert (SME) thinks about the data in
the domain in the context of a specific application. In
other words, a NoSQL application works with a data
model that is specifically designed and optimized for
that application.
C. Eventual Consistency
Create/Insert, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) are
four operations that databases are expected to provide
and execute efficiently. NoSQL data models are structured to support massively concurrent insert and read
operations relative to updates. The notion of eventual
consistency is embraced to support extremely fast insert
and read operations. Eventual consistency implies that
applications are aware of the non-repeatable read issue
due to latency in consistency. Some NoSQL systems
employ data models to efficiently support only insert
and read to the exclusion of update and delete.
D. Partial Record Updates
RDBMS data models are optimized for row-wise processing based on the assumption that applications
process most of an entity’s attributes. In contrast,
some NoSQL data models are designed to efficiently
perform column-wise processing to support computing
aggregates on one or two attributes across all entities.
For example, data models of column-oriented NoSQL
databases resemble a data warehouse star schema
where the fact table at the center stores de-normalized
row data and each dimension table stores all columns
of a column-family.
E. Application Synthesized Relationships
RDBMS data models are designed to capture one-toone, one-to-many, and many-to-many relationships between entities. In contrast, many NoSQL data models do
not explicitly and inherently model relationships (graph
data model based NoSQL systems are an exception).
Most NoSQL systems do not support relational join
operation. NoSQL applications are expected to synthesize relationships by processing the data. If the data
is inherently rich in relationships, many NoSQL data
models are a poor fit.
F. Optimized MapReduce Processing
In RDBMS applications, employing MapReduce processing requires moving the data from the RDBMS to
another memory address space within the same machine or to a different one. In contrast, some NoSQL
systems feature MapReduce as a native functionality to
obviate the data movement.
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G. Native Support for Versioning
Mainstream, off-the-shelf RDBMS do not provide support for data versioning. However, an RDBMS data
model can be designed to support versioning of an
attribute by including two additional attributes (begin
date and end date). This is a convoluted approach with
strong performance penalties. In contrast, some NoSQL
data models are designed to provide native support for
H. New Query Languages
RDBMS SQL queries in practice tend to be complex,
involve joins across multiple tables, consume substantial database resources to execute, and are expensive
to write, debug, and maintain. In contrast, many NoSQL
systems avoid SQL altogether. Some provide a SQL-like
query language such as XQuery, while others require
writing programs for querying the database.
NoSQL databases take a multi-faceted approach
to querying including allowing only simple queries
through interfaces such as REST API, caching data in
main memory, or using database stored procedures as
queries. For example, in document-oriented NoSQL systems, a database query is a JSON document (technically,
a JavaScript expression) specified across all the documents in the collection. For graph model based NoSQL
systems, queries involve traversing graph structures.
Interfaces for graph traversal include JavaScript-based
interface (JIG), and special query languages such as
SPARQL, RDFS++, and Cypher.
I. Horizontal Scalability
RDBMS for Big Data applications are forced to use
distributed storage. Reasons for this include data that
exceeds the disk size limits, need for partitioned table
storage, recovery from hard disk failures through data
redundancy, and data replication to enable high availability. A typical RDBMS query requires join operations
across multiple tables. How fast a query is processed
is limited by how quickly data can be moved from
hard disks to primary storage, and the amount of data
moved. Database update operations are usually run as
database transactions. If the table data is partitioned,
update operations run slowly due to contention for
exclusive locks.
Securing and releasing write locks, coordinating this
across various disks, and ACID (atomicity, consistency,
isolation, and durability) compliance slows down transaction throughput. Long running transactions exacerbate the transaction throughput further. Vertical scaling
is often proposed as a solution to the transaction
throughput problem, which involves adding more CPUs,
more cores per CPU, and additional main memory.
However, vertical scaling quickly reaches its saturation point. Other techniques for improving transaction
throughput include relaxing ACID compliance and using
methods such as disabling database logging.
Horizontal scalability, in contrast, refers to scaling
by adding new processors complete with their own
disks (aka nodes). Closely associated with horizontal
scaling is the partitioning of data. Each node/processor
contains only a subset of the data. The process of
assigning data to each node is referred to as sharding,
which is done automatically in some NoSQL systems.
It is easier to achieve horizontal scalability with
NoSQL databases. The complexity involved in enforcing ACID compliance simply does not exist for most
NoSQL systems as they are ACID non-compliant by
design. Furthermore, only insert and read operations
dominate in NoSQL databases as update and delete
operations fade into insignificance in terms of volume.
NoSQL systems also achieve horizontal scalability by
delegating two-phase commit required for transaction
implementation to applications. For example, MongoDB
does not guarantee ACID compliance for concurrent
operations. This may infrequently result in undesirable
outcomes such as phantom reads.
III. NoSQL Concepts
NoSQL databases draw upon several concepts and
techniques to realize flexible data modeling and associated query languages, and horizontal scalability. These
concepts include but are not limited to shared-nothing
architecture, Hash trees, consistent hashing, REST API,
Protocol buffers (Protobuf), Apache Thrift, JSON and
BSON, BASE, MapReduce, vector clocks, column family,
keyspace, memory-mapped files, and the CAP theorem.
A. Shared-Nothing Architecture
In this architecture, each node is self-sufficient and
acts independently to remove single point of resource
contention. Nodes share neither memory nor disk storage. Database systems based on shared-nothing architecture can scale almost linearly by adding new
nodes assembled using inexpensive commodity hardware components. Data is distributed across the nodes
in a non-overlapping manner, which is called sharding.
Though this concept existed for long with its roots in
distributed databases, it gained prominence with the
advent of NoSQL systems.
B. Hash Trees and Consistent Hashing
A hash tree (aka Merkle tree) is a tree in which every
non-leaf node is labeled with the hash of the labels of
its child nodes. Hash trees enable efficient and secure
verification of data transmitted between computers for
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veracity. They are also used to efficiently determine the
differences between a document and its copy.
In traditional hashing, a change in the number of
slots in the hash table results in nearly all keys
remapped to new slots. If K is the number of keys and
n is the number of slots, consistent hashing guarantees
that on average no more than K/n keys are remapped
to new slots.
C. REST API, Protobuf and Apache Thrift
Representational State Transfer (REST) is an HTTP
API. It uses four HTTP methods – GET, POST, PUT and
DELETE – to execute different operations. Many NoSQL
systems enable client interaction through this API.
Protocol buffers (Protobuf) is a method for efficiently
serializing and transmitting structured data. It is used
to perform remote procedure calls (RPC) as well as for
storing data. Thrift is a software framework and an
interface definition language (IDL) for cross-language
services and API development.
JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is a lightweight,
text-based, open standard format for exchanging data
between a server and a Web application. Though it
is originally derived from the JavaScript language, it
is a language-neutral data format. BSON is a format
for binary-coded serialization of JSON-like documents.
Compared to Protobuf, BSON is more flexible with
schema but not as space efficient.
E. BASE Properties
In RDBMS, the consistency property ensures that all
transactions transform a database from one valid state
to another. Once a transaction updates a database item,
all database clients (i.e., programs and users) will see
the same value for the updated item.
ACID properties are to RDBMS as BASE is to NoSQL
systems. BASE refers to basic availability, soft state, and
eventual consistency. Basic availability implies disconnected client operation and delayed synchronization,
and tolerance to temporary inconsistency and its implications. Soft state refers to state change without input,
which is required for eventual consistency. Eventual
consistency means that if no further updates are made
to an updated database item for long enough period of
time, all clients will see the same value for the updated
F. Minimizing Data Movement with MapReduce
MapReduce is a computational paradigm for processing massive datasets in parallel if the computation
fits a pattern characterized by three steps: map, shard
and reduce. The map process involves several parallel
map processes concurrently processing different parts
of data and each process produces (key, value) pairs.
The shard process (second step) acts as a barrier to
ensure that all mapper processes have completed their
work, collects the generated key-value pairs from each
mapper process, sorts them, and partitions the sorted
key-value pairs. Next, the shard process assigns each
partition to a different reduce process (third step). Each
reduce process essentially receives all related key-value
pairs and produces one result.
G. Vector Clocks
A vector clock is an algorithm to reason about events
based on event timestamps. It is an extension of multiversion concurrency control (MVCC) used in RDBMS to
multiple servers. Each server keeps its copy of vector
clock. When servers send and receive messages among
themselves, vector clocks are incremented and attached
with messages. A partial order relationship is defined
based on server vector clocks, and is used to derive
causal relationships between database item updates.
H. Column Families and Keyspaces
A column family is a collection of rows, and each row
can contain different number of columns. Row keys are
unique within a column family, but can be reused in
other column families. This enables storing unrelated
data about the same key in different column families.
Some NoSQL systems use the term column-family to
refer to a group of related columns within a row.
A keyspace is a data container. It is similar to the
schema concept in RDBMS. Keyspaces are used to group
column families together. Data replication is specified
at the keyspace level. Therefore, data with different
replication requirements reside in separate keyspaces.
I. Memory-Mapped Files
A memory-mapped file is a segment of virtual memory which is associated with an operating system file
or file-like resource (e.g., a device, shared memory) on
a byte-for-byte correspondence. Memory-mapped files
increase I/O performance especially for large files.
J. CAP Theorem
Consistency, availability, and partition tolerance
(CAP) are the three primary concerns that determine
which data management system is suitable for a given
application. Consistency feature guarantees that all
clients of a data management system have the same
view of data. Availability assures that all clients can always read and write. Finally, partition tolerance ensures
that the system works well with data that is distributed
across physical network partitions. The CAP theorem
states that it is impossible for any data management
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system to achieve all these three features at the same
time. For example, to achieve partition tolerance, a
system may need to give up consistency or availability.
IV. Key-Value Databases
The defining characteristics of key-value databases
include real-time processing of Big Data, horizontal
scalability across nodes in a cluster or data centers,
reliability and high availability. Their use cases include
applications where response is needed in milliseconds.
They are used for session management for Web applications; configuration management; distributed locks;
messaging; personalization of user experience and providing engaging user interactions in social media, mobile platforms, and Internet gaming; real-time bidding
and online trading; Ad servers; recommendation engines; and multi-channel retailing and eCommerce.
As the name suggests, these systems store data as
key-value pairs or maps (aka dictionaries). Though all
of them store data as maps, they differ widely in functionality and performance. Some systems store data
ordered on the key, while others do not. Some keep
entire data in memory and while others persist data to
disk. Data can also be distributed across a cluster of
Representative systems in this category include
Memcached, Aerospike, Redis, Riak, Kyoto Cabinet,
Membase, Amazon DynamoDB, CouchDB, BerkeleyDB,
EHCache, Apache Cassandra [6], and Voldermot. Table I summarizes characteristics of some key-value
A hallmark of key-value database is rapid applications development and extremely fast response times
even with commodity type processors. For example,
100K – 200K simple write/read operations have been
achieved with an Intel Core 2 Duo, 2.6 GHz processor.
In another case, replacement of a RDBMS with Redis for
user profile management (100K+ profiles with over 10
filter attributes) was reduced from 3 – 6 sec to 50 ms.
V. Table-type/Column Databases
RDBMS are row-based systems as their processing
is row-centric. They are designed to efficiently return
entire rows of data. Rows are uniquely identified by
system generated row ids. As the name implies, column
databases are column-centric. Conceptually, a columnar
database is like an RDBMS with an index on every
column without incurring the overhead associated with
the latter. It is also useful to think of column databases
as nested key-value systems.
Column database applications are characterized by
tolerance to temporary inconsistency, need for versioning, flexible database schema, sparse data, partial
record access, and high speed insert and read operations. When a value changes, it is stored as a different
version of the same value using a timestamp. In other
words, the notion of update is effectively nonexistent.
Partial record access contributes to dramatic performance improvements for certain applications. Columnar databases perform aggregate operations such as
computing maxima, minima, average, and sum on large
datasets with extreme efficiency.
Recall that a column family is a set of related
columns. Column databases require predefining column families, and not columns. A column family may
contain any number of columns of any type of data,
as long as the latter can be persisted as byte arrays.
Columns in a family are logically related to each other,
and are physically stored together. Performance gain
is achieved by grouping columns with similar access
characteristics into the same family. Database schema
evolution is achieved by adding columns to column
families. A column family is similar to the column
concept in RDBMS.
Systems in this category include Google BigTable
(available through Google App Engine), Apache Cassandra, Apache HBase, Hypertable, Cloudata, Oracle RDBMS
Columnar Expression, Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Enterprise Edition. Table II summarizes characteristics of
some columnar databases.
VI. Graph Databases
A graph data model is at the heart of graph databases
[7]. In some applications, relationships between objects
is even more important than the objects themselves.
Relationships can be static or dynamic. Such data is
called connected data. Twitter, Facebook, Google, and
LinkedIn data are naturally modeled using graphs. In
addition, graph data models are used in other industries including airlines, freight companies, healthcare,
retail, gaming, oil and gas. Graph databases are also
popular for implementing access control and authorization subsystems for applications that serve millions of
end users.
Graph databases include FlockDB, InfiniteGraph, Titan, Microsoft Trinity, HyperGraphDB, AllegroGraph,
Affinity, OrientDB, DEX, Facebook Open Graph, Google
Knowledge Graph, and Neo4J. Table III summarizes
characteristics of two graph databases.
VII. Document Databases
These databases are not the document/full-text
databases in the traditional sense. They are also not
content management systems. Document databases are
used to manage semi-structured data mostly in the
form of key-value pairs packaged as JSON documents.
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Table I
Key-Value Databases
Name Salient Characteristics
Memcached Shared-nothing architecture, in-memory object caching systems with no disk persistence. Automatic sharding but no
replication. Client libraries for popular programming languages including Java, .Net, PHP, Python, and Ruby.
Aerospike Shared-nothing architecture, in-memory database with disk persistence. Automatic data partitioning and synchronous
replication. Data structures support for string, integer, BLOB, map, and list. ACID with relax option, backup and recovery,
high availability. Cross data center replication. Client access through Java, Lua, and REST.
Cassandra Shared-nothing, master-master architecture, in-memory database with disk persistence. Key range based automatics data
partitioning. Synchronous and asynchronous replication across multiple data centers. High availability. Client interfaces
include Cassandra Query Language (CQL), Thrift, and MapReduce. Largest known Cassandra cluster has over 300 TB of
data in over 400-node cluster.
Redis Shared-nothing architecture, in-memory database with disk persistence, ACID transactions. Supports several data
structures including sets, sorted sets, hashes, strings, and blocking queues. Backup and recovery. High availability.
Client interface through C and Lua.
Riak Shared-nothing architecture, in-memory database with disk persistence, data teated as BLOBs, automatic data partitioning,
eventually consistency, backup and recovery, and high availability through multi data center replication. Client API
includes Erlang, JavaScript, MapReduce queries, full text search, and REST.
Voldemort Shared-nothing architecture, in-memory database with disk persistence, automatic data partitioning and replication,
versioning, map and list data structures, ACID with relax option, backup and recovery, high availability. Protocol Buffers,
Thrift, Avro and Java serialization options. Client access through Java API.
Table II
Column Databases
Name Salient Characteristics
BigTable A sparse, persistent, distributed, multi-dimensional sorted map. Features strict consistency and runs on distributed
commodity clusters. Ideal for data that is in the order of billions of rows with millions of columns.
HBase Open Source Java implementation of BigTable. No data types, and everything is a byte array. Client access tools: shell
(i.e., command line), Java API, Thrift, REST, and Avo (binary protocol). Row keys are typically 64-bytes long. Rows are
byte-ordered by their row keys. Uses distributed deployment model. Works with Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS),
but uses filesystem API to avoid strong coupling. HBase can also be used with CloudStore.
Cassandra Provides eventual consistency. Client interfaces: phpcasa (a PHP wrapper), Pycassa (Python binding), command line/shell,
Thrift, and Cassandra Query Language (CQL). Popular for developing financial services applications.
Table III
Graph Databases
Name Salient Characteristics
Neo4J In-memory or in-memory with persistence. Full support for transactions. Nodes/vertices in the graph are described using
properties and the relationships between nodes are typed and relationships can have their own properties. Deployed on
compute clusters in a single data center or across multiple geographically distributed data centers. Highly scalable and
existing applications have 32 billion nodes, 32 billion relationships, and 64 billion properties. Client interfaces: REST,
Cypher (SQL-like), Java, and Gremlin.
AllegroGraph Full read concurrency, near full write concurrency, and dynamic and automatic indexing of committed data, soundex
support, fine granular security, geospatial and temporal reasoning, and social network analysis. Online backups, point-intime recovery, replication, and warm standby. Integration with Solr and MongoDB. Client interfaces: JavaScript, CLIF++,
and REST (Java Sesame, Java Jena, Python, C#, Clojure, Perl, Ruby, Scala, and Lisp).
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Each document is an independent entity with potentially varied and nested attributes. Documents are indexed by their primary identifiers as well as semistructured document field values. Document databases
are ideal for applications that involve aggregates across
document collections.
Systems in this category include MongoDB, CouchDB,
Couchbase, RavenDB, and FatDB. Document databases
often integrate with full-text databases such as Solr,
Lucene, and ElasticSearch. For example, ElasticSearch
provides real-time response to document queries in
JSON format; RavenDB uses Lucene. Table IV summarizes characteristics of some document databases.
VIII. Native XML Databases
These databases store documents in native XML format. Query languages supported include XQuery, XSLT,
and XPath. Some provide support for JSON. Systems
in this category include BaseX, eXist, MarkLogic Server,
and Sedna.
The distinguishing feature of MarkLogic Server is
security. For this reason, it is widely used in security
industry. It provides client access through REST and
Java and JSON is supported. REST API is partitioned into
three categories: client API for CRUD and search; management API for instrumentation; and packaging API for
configuration. MarkLogic Server recently rebranded as
Enterprise NoSQL.
IX. Native Object Databases
Object databases, as the name implies, use object
models to store data. These systems combine database
functionality with object-oriented programming language capabilities. They allow creating and modifying
objects within the database system. Some systems are
tightly integrated with an object-oriented programming
language, while others feature database-specific programming language. This eliminated the impedance
mismatch problem of RDBMS since the same data
model is used by the programming language and the
database. A subclass within object databases is called
object-relational. These systems combine traditional
RDBMS capabilities with object databases. Native object
databases are ideally suited for complex data often
found in computer-aided design, manufacturing, spatial, graphics, and multimedia applications.
Query languages for object databases are typically
declarative. Object database queries typically run much
faster since no RDBMS joins are involved. Object Query
Language (OQL) is the result of standardization effort
spearheaded by the Object Data Management Group.
Current systems in this category include Versant
Object Database, Versant JPA, FastObjects, db4o, and
WakandaDB. The first three are marketed by Versant
and db4o is an open source system. Versant Object
Database targets applications with high performance
and concurrency requirements. Client access is provided through interfaces for Java, .NET and C++. Versant JPA is an object database with JPA 2.0 compliant
client interface. FastObjects primarily provides objectbased persistence for .NET applications.
X. Hybrid Systems
Systems in this category are those that evolved
from the traditional RDBMS or those that fall into
more than one category discussed above. Systems in
this category include PostgreSQL, VoltDB, OrientDB,
Aerospike, ArangoDB, and Spanner. On Amazon EC2,
VoltDB achieved 95 thousand transactions per second
(TPS) in a Node.js application running on 12 nodes;
and 34 million TPS with 30 nodes. Table V summarizes
characteristics of some hybrid databases.
XI. Conclusions
Unprecedented data volumes, connected data, performance and scalability requirements of modern Big datadriven applications effectively challenged the practice
that RDBMS is the only approach for data management.
Consistency, availability, and partition tolerance are
the three primary concerns that determine which data
management system is suitable for a given application.
Netflix moved from Oracle RDBMS to Apache Cassandra, and achieved over a million writes per second
across the cluster with over 10,000 writes per second
per node while maintaining the average latency at less
than 0.015 milliseconds. Total cost of Cassandra set
up and running on Amazon EC2 was at around $60 per
hour for a cluster of 48 nodes.
Cisco recently replaced an Oracle RAC solution for
master data management with Neo4J. Query times were
reduced from minutes to milliseconds in addition to
expressing queries on connected data with ease. This
application has 35 million nodes, 50 million relationships, and 600 million properties.
As the above two cases exemplify, NoSQL data models are designed for efficiently supporting insert and
read operations; storing sparse data and column-wise
processing; enabling disconnected client operation and
delayed synchronization; and tolerance to temporary
inconsistency and its implications.
A more typical scenario for NoSQL systems to gain
ubiquitous use will come from using an array of data
management systems, each naturally suited for the type
of data and operations, all data management systems
abstracted away through a Web or application server.
Furthermore, Web servers will manage access control
and authorization centrally. Also, the migration from
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Table IV
Document Databases
Name Salient Characteristics
MongoDB No transaction support. Only modifier operations offer atomic consistency. Lack of isolation levels may result in phantom
reads. Uses memory-mapped files storage. Support is available for geospatial processing and MapReduce framework.
Indexing, replication, GridFS, and aggregation pipeline. JavaScript expressions as queries. Client access tools: JS Shell
(command line tool), and drivers for most programming languages. Suitable for applications that require auto-sharding,
high horizontal scalability for managing schema-less semi-structured documents. Stores documents in BSON format and
data is transferred across the wire in binary format.
CouchDB Open Source database written in Erlang. JSON format for documents. Client access tools: REST API, CouchApps (an
application server), and MapReduce. JavaScript is used for writing MapReduce functions.
Couchbase Incorporates functionality of CouchDB and Membase. Data is automatically partitioned across cluster nodes. All nodes
can do both reads and writes. Used in many commercial high availability applications and games.
Table V
Hybrid Databases
Name Salient Characteristics
PostgreSQL Recent versions provide support for JSON and key-value support through an add-on called hstore. Suitable for applications
that primarily depend on RDBMS for data management, but also face a need for scalable means for managing key-value
VoltDB In-memory database running on a single thread. Eliminates the overheads associated with locking and latching in multithreaded environments. Uses snapshots to save data to the disk. Database can be restored to a previous state using
snapshots. Data is distributed across several servers. Supports transactions. Supports only a subset of ANSI/ISO SQL.
Migration to VoltDB will require rewriting some of the existing SQL queries. Client interfaces: JSON API, Java, C++, C#,
PHP, Python, Node.js, Ruby, and Erlang.
VoltCache A key-value database implemented on top of VoltDB. Client access is through a Memcached compatible API.
OrientDB Provides document, key-value, and graph databases functionality.
ArangoDB Provides document, key-value, and graph databases functionality.
Aerospike Hybrid system like OrientDB, but also provides traditional RDBMS functionality.
Google Spanner Multi-version, globally-distributed, and synchronously-replicated database. Spanner supports externally-consistent distributed transactions.
RDBMS to NoSQL systems is eased as the latter return
results in JSON format.
Though NoSQL systems are predominantly used for
new applications which are characterized by horizontal
scalability, high performance, relaxed and eventual consistency, it is also likely that existing applications will
begin to use NoSQL through reegineering process. The
current upheaval in the data management systems will
help promote using the system that closely matches
the application needs. Services such as Amazon EC2
will make NoSQL systems more economical and within
reach for all organizations, both small and big.
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