DB 7


After reading Act I, please present thoughts for the following prompts for Act 1, Scene 1 and 2 and Scene 3 and 4. When you have posted, please reply to at least one peer. 

Discussion Questions for Act I:

Act I, Scene 1 and 2

1.  Wilson is known for giving in-depth, vivid exposition and “playwright’s notes” before the action/dialogue of the play even begins. After reading Wilson’s notes “The Play” (again, the brief section before Act I begins), what do you feel Wilson’s wants us to be aware of and why is this important? Be specific.

2.  Wilson’s Scene 1 of the play is one of his longest–most likely because he wants his readers/audience to get fully set up for the course of the play, he establishes initial characterizations (that we’ll see will change over the course of the play), and he introduces the beginning of several conflicts. What conflicts are presented through the dialogue of the characters in this scene? You should discuss at least two conflicts.

3. Give a brief character sketch of Troy Maxson–describing his personality presented so far (and, perhaps how he interacts with others) in Act I, Scenes 1-2. Do you find him to be a likable character, despite any flaws? Although we will find that he is quite a complicated character, Wilson intended for him to be a modern hero (re: Module 1 / Literary terms). In other words, although he may be a flawed character, deep down, are his intentions good?

Act I, Scene 3 and 4:

1.  In Scene III, Wilson presents an extended scene where Troy and Cory banter back and forth about baseball as well as their differing views on money and what Cory’s future goals should be. What are Troy’s view on baseball, money, and Cory’s future and how does Cory respond?

2.  Troy is exasperated when Cory asks him, “How come you ain’t never liked me?” What is Troy’s response and what does this say about his concept of fatherhood?

3.  In Scene IV, Troy and Bono engage in detailed reveries from their pasts. Wilson also employs the use of the monologue as a dialogue technique for Troy. What does Lyons learn by listening to these recounted experiences? Be specific. Also, briefly give some thoughts on the character of Gabriel, which Wilson has said was inspired by the archangel Gabriel.