Please locate one scholastic article on Fences that you feel will help you support your thesis. You must post an article found through one of PGCC’s library databases (such as Gale Literature, which contains Literature Criticism Online, Literature Resource Info and a database on author’s biographies). NOTE: You may choose to use the article you selected for Research Process Step # 4 to complete this discussion board. However, if not, feel free to find another article as long as it’s from one of the PGCC databases.
As mentioned, you are not limited to just using Gale Literature; it is just a good place to start. Feel free to browse other appropriate databases such as Bloom’s Literature, ProQuest, and so forth. Directions to access the library can be found in the criteria for the last paper, directions for Research Process Step 4, or you may access resources by clicking on “Library Resources” in our Canvas course menu.
For this Discussion, you are required to attach a file that can be opened. If you use the discussion box, often your Works Cited formatting will be irregular. The document within this file should contain the following:
1) the article “title” and author
2) a copied and pasted short passage (a paragraph is sufficient), originally produced (meaning, exactly as is written by the author), from the article
3) an example of how you would integrate and document (with a parenthetical in-text citation), a “direct quote” from this passage (the one presented in #2 above) into your research essay using a clear signal phrase or signal sentence. If using a signal sentence, follow that sentence with a colon to avoid a “dropped in” quote.
4) an example of how this source would be presented on your Works Cited page. As mentioned, MLA style of documentation (which everyone learned in English 1010) will be utilized. Although all students are expected to have MLA skills at this level, I have posted MLA supplements under Module 9. Please review, if needed.
**I have inserted a clear model of a post for this discussion board. Please review before posting your work as a REPLY to these directions. Once you click on my file, click on “Enable editing” so that you may view the file in proper format. Click on link below:
sample example for MLA discussion board-1.doc Download sample example for MLA discussion board-1.doc
Again, please submit an attached file as MLA formatting often does not convert well in a text entry/box.
There is no peer response required for this board.